July 20, 2005

I feel good...

Mood: Healthy.
Music: Fly Away, Lenny Kravitz.
Game: World of Warcraft, Planetside, Call of Duty, Auto Assault Beta, Gunzonline Beta.
Book: None.
Muffin: None.
Punchline: "Ooh...in the face!"

OK, to start...I got my bloodtest results back last night.

The net: Aside from slightly high cholesterol, there's absolutely nothing wrong with me. Blood sugar's fine, I don't have HIV, my liver function is fine, my blood pressure is exactly 120/80.

So, less beef, more chicken and fish, increase my fiber. Other than that, I need to exercise more and lose weight. No shock there.

I think, generally, I believed that all of that was true before I went to the doctor. I have to admit, it IS comforting to know that I was right, and the doctor says so.

I'm still putting cream on the back of my hand, but it's fading pretty well. I appear to have some allergies, but again, nothing horrific. Frankly, considering I probably don't take care of myself as well as I should, I'm in pretty good shape, functionalitywise. Yeah, I need to lose weight. But the pieces work.

In other news, last night, Smitty, Jeho, and I were subs for the match that ijsmp played last night. Since everyone showed up, we were left to our own devices. We started with Planetside, but when we realized that the TR (our side) was really getting their collective asses kicked in the entire universe, we pretty much decided to bail.

We were going to play World of Warcraft, but it was getting late, and Smitty just didn't feel like playing WoW. So we decided on downloading and trying the beta for Gunzonline.

I'll say this: It's definitely unintentionally funny. It isn't the MMORPG that it says it is, but it's amusing for sure...and for free? Why not. Basically, it's an FPS not unlike any other run and gun free for all deathmatching game, except you get xp, and "bounty" and can spend the bounty on better and better weapons and armor and such, as you go up in levels via xp.

The graphics are OK. The level design is fair. But the gameplay is jerky and hoppy...sort of like Quake II or III. Basically, you run around and shoot people or chop them up with edged weapons. Frankly, it's all twitch, very little aim, and very little thought. But it's amusing in its own way.

The expected longevity is probably this weekend. But in the meantime....

Posted by Glenn at July 20, 2005 10:53 AM

I'm glad you have been deemed *physically* healthy. :p

I like knowing you're in my universe... somewhere... albeit kicking and screaming among the madness and mayhem.

Be good to yourself, g.

If you start to think about your physical or moral condition, you usually find that you are sick. - Goethe

Posted by: regina at July 21, 2005 01:51 AM

....besides, you have to ask my permission before you may debilitate to any significant degree...I prescribe clams with blackbean sauce, chowfun, and almond cookie icecream (for me- I couldn't care less what you eat...though I recommend staying away from ass and Draino)


Posted by: Heywah! at July 21, 2005 07:52 AM