August 08, 2005


Mood: Unmotivated.
Music: California Love (Remix), 2Pac
Game: World of Warcraft, Planetside, Call of Duty, Auto Assault Beta.
Book: 722 Miles, Clifton Hood.
Muffin: Raspberry-Blackberry.
Punchline: None.

I have a deadline of 10am on Thursday to finish a good chunk of this claim. Frankly, I'm not very motivated to finish. I think the hour-long commute in ridiculously hot weather definitely saps whatever motivation I have in the morning, which, at best, is minimal.

Truthfully, usually, I feel pretty good in the morning, if I got enough sleep, after I shower, I'm pretty happy to be walking to the subway....

Of course, by the time I actually GET to the subway this time of year, I'm drenched in sweat, my jeans are sticking to me, and all I want to do is go home and sit in air conditioned splendor. (Well, as splendiferous as my apartment gets with The Little Air Conditioner That Could.)

Of course, the subway is packed during rush hour, and although my luck generally holds, and I get a seat after a stop or two, it's not comfortable sitting with hundreds of grumpy, hot people who don't want to be going to wherever they're going, either. And the waits on the platforms at 10 to 15 degrees hotter than it is outside are no pleasure, either.

And of course, the walk from the train station to work itself is longer than the walk from my front door to the train station. Which means by the time I get to work, I'm soaking wet and miserable.

Which is where I am now. And now, I'm supposed to jump right into writing an entitlement portion for a claim for a job that's been over for more than a year. Fascinating.

So I'm not very motivated at the moment. Shocking, right?

Well, maybe if I just start writing, I'll get into I'd best get started. More later/tomorrow.

Posted by Glenn at August 8, 2005 09:36 AM

Hayduke Lives!
Fuck the man!
Pour sugar in his fucking gas tank...
Mutha fucka!

Posted by: Heywah! at August 8, 2005 11:06 AM

Reminds me of a book:

"Eat That Frog"

The short version: when faced with a lot to do simply get the most unpleasant one done and over with as fast as possible. It's not rocket surgery but sometimes the simple lessons are the most accurate.

Another one that comes to mind is "Don't eat your own poop."

I've said too much.

Posted by: Firethorn at August 8, 2005 09:21 PM