September 28, 2005

Let's try this again...

Mood: Still Pretty Good...
Music: Maybelline, Chuck Berry
Game: World of Warcraft, America's Army, COD2 Demo.
Book: The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, Robert Heinlein.
Muffin: Nope. Not today, either.

Today, I upgraded the blog software to v3.2...which supposedly has anti-spam functions built right into the software. I'm pretty pleased that the entire upgrade process took all of twenty minutes. I guess I'm getting more of a handle on how this software is set up.

I was pleased that my profiles, entries, comments, and templates all stayed put.

Now it's just a matter of time before I see if the anti-spam measures work.

Things Glenn is Excited About:
COD2 - The Demo rocks. Just completely blew me away. I love it.
Serenity - The movie comes out on Friday. You DID get your Firefly boxed set and rewatched the series, right?
Vacation - Off to Seattle on the 8th of October! Whee! A week out of this place!
Work - The claim is pretty much done today! I can actually work on the things I was hired to do!
Sushi - I'm having dinner with friend Pauri tonight! And we're having sushi at Blue Ribbon...which is, in my opinion, the best sushi in NY.
Computer - Finally fixed iTunes on my computer, so my Shuffle has 5 hours of 50's Rock and Roll on it today. Which is good working music, in my opinion.

So life is getting better. This is A Good Thing.

Posted by Glenn at September 28, 2005 03:39 PM

Glad to hear things are good today! Hope the suggested anti-spam features work out!

Posted by: Smitty5k at September 28, 2005 05:02 PM
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