February 09, 2006

Who knows?

Mood: Tired.
Music: The hum of way too many fans in my computer case.
Game: World of Warcraft, COD2
Book: Nothing at the moment. Thinking about reading a cookbook.
Weather: Raining and dark.

The last few days have been clear and sunny...almost warm. Woke up this morning to rain...but it's 6am. Anything can happen as it gets light....

I got a call back from the folks who pre-screened me, and the guy wanted to bring me in to meet people...but I'm hesitant. I mean, I'm still thinking about it. First, there's almost no travel...not 80%. This is a good thing, not a bad thing.

It's still two hours away (by bus....) but most importantly...it's an account management position. Now, it's completely possible that I've somehow misread the situation...hard to get the full picture from 30 minutes on the phone. But I'm pretty sure it's account management. He talked about small to mid-sized clients. He said that I'm pretty much the first line of contact with the client, along with the sales team and the technical support folks. He also said that there are installers and the development team...neither of which I need to "manage..." I just need to coordinate with them in order to relay information to the client.

There's not really any project management that I'm familiar with in this job. The title of the job is customer program manager. I'm a project manager...not an account guy.

I'm not sure that's what I want to do. Anyway, I'll probably call him and see if he still wants to bring me in...after all, I can't imagine that once I said I wanted to have a look at the website again and give it some thought that he was all fired up to meet me for the position. Not sure what to do here...I'm not employed...but I'm also past the point in my life where I'm going to take a job that I strongly suspect isn't for me just to earn a paycheck.

In any case, I still haven't heard back from the recruiter I met with on Friday...but we all know that companies leave recruiters waiting for days past when they said they'd get back...so I'm none too upset about that. I guess I'll start looking for more recruiters, and see where that takes me.

I will say this...the last few days I've been pretty happy. Smiling and laughing, and generally just being happy. The sun makes a big difference that way. I think I need some more of those full-spectrum bulbs in my office....

I think tonight, I'll go get some sushi for dinner. Yum. Sushi.

By the way...WHAT ABOUT PETE?!

Posted by Glenn at February 9, 2006 06:15 AM

Shh... Don't worry about Pete, Fookus. Pete will be just fine. You'll see. :)

Posted by: Mr. Fookus at February 9, 2006 09:39 AM
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