February 28, 2006


Mood: Bleh.
Music: Let It Whip, SR-71
Game: World of Warcraft, COD2, Full Auto, Dungeons and Dragons Online (Khyber Server)
Book: Beginning PHP5, Apache, MySQL Web Development, Naramore, Gerner, et al., Quicksilver, Neal Stephenson
Weather: 55F, cloudy.
Jobs applied to today: 0.

Kind of a low morale day. It's sometimes hard to stay positive when you don't get ANY callbacks. It's probably true that I should be just throwing dozens of resumes out there...but I can't in good conscience send a resume out for a job that I don't really want. Anything that remotely matches what I'm interested in doing, that I think I'd be good doing, I apply for.

The job descriptions I'm reading seem to match EXACTLY what I was doing for Modem...and I like to believe that I was pretty good at that...at least good enough to get the job done. Maybe I'm just too old for the jobs now? No one wants to hire a 38 year old producer? I mean, yeah...I was much younger when I was doing the job before....

Maybe it's too much experience. What a fucked up catch-22. I have too much experience to get a job...they won't even give me a call, figuring that I wouldn't be challenged, or I wouldn't get my hands dirty, or I wouldn't be close enough to the sharp end of the stick to understand how it all works any more.

Maybe they figure I'd want too much money. I have no idea. It's bizarre being this young...well, maybe I'm NOT that young any more. That's the funny part. My internal self-view has me at like 22...except I've been 22 for 16 years. I know I must have changed in a lot of ways...but my brain won't let me see myself that way.

Anyway, I'm going to get back to coding. I probably should hit the job search websites again right now instead, but I'm not really feeling up to it.

There's kind of a nasty problem with the views/raids php that somehow got introduced somewhere, and I'm trying to chase it down. I THINK it has to do with the way the dates are being entered, stored, and retrieved. At least that's part of the problem.

And yeah, I said I would talk about DDO today...but instead, I'll leave that for a day when I'm feeling more excited about things.

Posted by Glenn at February 28, 2006 01:58 PM

welcome to my entire day.
i have been dealing with exactly this post all effing day.
i was told that i was being too fancy. I should just take something already.
im not desperate, nor will i take a job i don't want. and you shouldn't either.
if your choice is a duplex cardboard box or your apt, yes.
but not now.
buck up & keep coding

Posted by: landry at March 1, 2006 03:58 PM
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