March 09, 2006

That's Cool.

Mood: Pretty Good.
Music: Bring Me The Disco King, David Bowie.
Game: World of Warcraft, COD2, Full Auto, Dungeons and Dragons Online (Khyber Server), GR:Advanced Warfighter
Book: Beginning PHP5, Apache, MySQL Web Development, Naramore, Gerner, et al., Quicksilver, Neal Stephenson
Weather: Cold, Rain/Sleet/Snow.
Jobs applied to today: 0.

I'm planning on doing my taxes today...that is, once my hard drive gets out of the freezer. I have a failed hard drive...the one that was completely screwed up a couple of weeks ago. It seems that my old tax returns are on that drive. Fabulous. So I've got it in the freezer to see if I can buy 10 minutes of operation to pull off that data. If it doesn't work, I suppose it's not the end of the world...but I'd prefer it if I could just pre-populate all that nonsense from last year.

I'm listening to this Bowie song...and I really like it. I think it's from the Underworld soundtrack...definitely moody. Good for the weather today. Apparently snowy/icy out there today.

Yesterday, I braved the cold and rain to bring a doublestack of old videogames to Game Crazy and traded them for a brand new copy of Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter, and a huge deposit for Oblivion...which I hope isn't riddled with bugs like everything else that Bethesda Software does. But if it's not, it should be entertaining.

Back to GR:AW. All the old friends online last night, shooting each other in the face. It was really, really good to see/hear/play with them again. While I'm not a big first person shooter fan on consoles (understatement) I think Ghost Recon lends itself to it's not run and gun for the most's tactical, placement, and patience. Not a lot of people hopping and bouncing all over the map. And the ones that do, tend to find themselves dead from a single shot from about 100 yards away.

The design in this game is fabulous...especially the dry docks's pouring rain on a moonless night...thunder and lightning illuminates the level in spurts and flashes...the sheets of rain cause the few spotlights to flare and whiteout's just SO amazing. Not to mention impossible to see a thing...which is very, VERY fun.

I'm glad we all finally have a game that we can enjoy together. I expect much shooting in the face online...this time on my 360.

Which doesn't mean I won't be playing lots of WoW and DDO...WoW on Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays, with spurts on Tuesdays/Thursdays. GR:AW on Wednesdays and Sat/Sundays, and DDO on Tuesday/Weds. Of course, I don't actually expect to keep to this schedule...but it's fun to pretend I will.

Lately, there's been no jobs that catch my attention on all the online services. It's as if it's the end of a quarter or something, and no one's hiring. No idea. Letters are being written as we speak. If you know of anyone who works in the Seattle area in online advertising/marketing/production, please pass along my name. I'd like to speak to them.

DDO remains entertaining. The traps are getting nastier, the monsters tougher and more varied. Frankly, I think that DDO addresses a lot of the problems of MMOs. It isn't perfect, of course...but I like the slow pacing and tactical aspect of it. It's the Ghost Recon to WoW's Halo. Not the same game...and not played the same way...but both enjoyable.

Tomorrow, I'm getting my teeth deepcleaned. Anesthetize my mouth, and go for it. That should be know...if you like pain, blood, and swollen gums. But, hey...I brought it on myself.

And now, back to trying to figure out why view.php sucks so badly in this raid tool. Yeah, I've been working on it for a week. It sucks THAT badly.

Posted by Glenn at March 9, 2006 08:18 AM
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