May 04, 2006

Progress at home, and abroad in Egypt...

Mood: Tired.
Music: The Perfect Girl, The Cure
Game: World of Warcraft, COD2, Oblivion, Tomb Raider:Legend, A Tale In The Desert 3 beta
Book: Odalisque, Neal Stephenson
Weather: 60 and sunny.
Jobs applied to today: Nothing yet.

Still waiting to hear from the ad agency. I've gotten two from the guy I met, and one from their head of HR. They assure me that things are moving along...albeit a bit slow. The guy I met says that nothing's going to happen until after E3...of course.

I also have an interview on Wednesday for a job I applied for a while took them a few weeks to put it all together. Not sure what the delay was...but whatever. As a result, I think I'm going out today to buy a suit after all. I didn't back then, because mainly, I hate suits and I hate shopping for clothing.

So it looks like I have a couple of things moving on the job front. I could use a job...I'm still ok on money for a few months...but I'm getting to the point that I'm not thrilled about all this.

On the gaming front, I've been betatesting A Tale In The Desert 3. It's an MMO that has zero combat. It's all about crafting and learning how to advance technologies in order to advance civilization. It requires a LOT of teamwork...and while you CAN solo parts, without some help, you won't end up with a lot of advanced things.

The depth of the game is fabulous. Learning to grow flax to harvest to turn into rotten flax, to process on a flax comb (which you make from wood gathered from trees and thorns gathered from plants) to turn into straw, tow, and lint, which get spun into thread or twine (with the straw being processed with mud and sand to make bricks on brick molds (made of boards made from wood processed on a wood plane made from slate you find.....) and on and on....

There are apparently literally hundreds of new technologies to find and unlock through large resource payments, which communities attempt to do as fast as possible. The technologies aren't only physical...they include things like leadership, or animal husbandry.

In short, this is a game that's almost entirely team-oriented and almost entirely crafting. It's right up my alley. So I've been stuck in there for a few days. I still raid in WoW...but that's pretty much all I do in WoW right now.

Next, you all should go visit Maria. She's recently been re-inspired to blog, and she's fabulous, so go on over and say hi!

Anyway, off to shower and get ready, and debate going out to buy a suit...if I can psyche myself up for the experience.

Posted by Glenn at May 4, 2006 09:22 AM

Suits are an overrated yet necessary evil. That game sounds dope.

Posted by: pete/ kow at May 4, 2006 10:24 AM
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