March 19, 2007

Tactical Exercise for the Reader

Mood: Tired.
Music: Millenium, Robbie Williams.
Game: Battlefield 2142, Crackdown.
Book: Need a suggestion.
Watching: Nothing.
Weather: Rainy, cool.

So, some news: I bought a new computer.

It's a pretty serious Alienware in bright green, which I've already named "MIKEWYZOWSKI!" I should get it during the first week of April, which neatly coincides with my birthday. Now, isn't that NICE.

That isn't the focus of my post. I'll go over my machine in detail when it arrives, because talking about it just makes me want it faster.

OK. Exercise for the reader: Read this.

Good. Now, if you were an enemy of the United States, would you:

a) Intentionally escalate tensions in another region, with the purpose of forcing the US to further stretch an already under-prepared, under-equipped force incapable of reacting in the manner to which the US Armed Forces has always intended on engaging in conflict?
b) Further escalate tensions in Iraq through unconventional warfare methods, further requiring an increase in standing force levels that the US is currently incapable of meeting?
c) Ally yourself with another enemy of the United States and encourage them to (invade another country/start massacreing their own minority group/bomb a US embassy) which, because of the lack of readiness, to force the US to respond by going to the UN to condemn the act, further highlighting the US's isolation in the world political arena, encouraging any half-baked wannabe terrorist to attack anywhere they feel like with impunity?

If you chose any of the above, or even came up with your own answer, essentially highlighting the fact that a protracted engagement in a foreign country has effectively resulted in the drastic decrease in the security of the United States, you're right!

You think anyone sees the parallels to Vietnam yet? I love this...they can't escalate presence of troops - they don't HAVE any more. And the general statement is: We can't bring them home...that'd be a huge mistake!

So what do you do? Leave them there forever?

Sheesh. Any kid who's played any Realtime Strategy game sees how this is going to play out.

Someone get the current administration a copy of Warcraft, please?

Posted by Glenn at March 19, 2007 09:37 PM

They need Hero Units!!11

Posted by: Firethorn at March 20, 2007 10:07 AM
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