March 23, 2007


Mood: Psyched.
Music: Synchronicity I, The Police
Game: Battlefield 2142, Crackdown, God of War II.
Book: Out of Nowhere, A History of the Military Sniper, Martin Pegler.
Watching: Casino Royale (on regular DVD, because it's only been released in Blu-Ray...GRR.)
Weather: Damp, cool.

Did you know you could call FedEx and MAYBE have something delivered on Saturday that was supposed to deliver on Monday?

You can. They're happy to do it for an additional $12.50.

Now let's see how MAYBE works for me...

Come to

Posted by Glenn at March 23, 2007 07:59 PM

I can't help but think of the Dell QVC fiasco:

Posted by: Firethorn at March 24, 2007 08:41 AM

So are you blingin' yet or what?

Posted by: Smitty5k at March 26, 2007 02:39 PM

What so no drool and associated tech porn? Come on now!

Posted by: catspit at March 31, 2007 12:49 PM
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