The Seeker of the Forbidden Quote:
I have recorded the truth - the hideous, blasphemous truth - for the benefit and horror of those who come after me. I fear that by the time you, the reader, peruse these words, I shall have met Final Death - or worse than Final Death - for know ye that I have gazed into the Effervescent Octagon and seen what waits beyond the! The window - the wi-

You were a quiet child who spent hours ensconsed among library shelves. The mundane world held little interest for you; you were sure that something else, something wondrous, lay beyond it.

Childhood turned to adolescence and wonder turned to cynicism, and you became less and less convinced of the essential goodness of the cosmos. Indeed, the more you thought about it, the more certain you became that the Powers That Be were in fact malevolent. Such a possibility fascinated you even more, and you devoted your life to a perilous search for the mysterious entities lurking in forgotten places.

You studied the occult, mythology and science. You pondered over enough quaint and curious volumes of forgotten lore to dizzy a 32nd-degree Freemason. And then you began to notice the pattern. Livestock mutilations - Lovecraft's and Morrison's sudden demises - yes, it all made sense.

Cautiously fearing retribution from THEIR servants, you wrote of your findings to others in your field. One fellow scholar, a Hungarian occultist of considerable repute, invited you to visit her and study her library. You accepted the invitation, and the trip proved enlightening indeed. Certainly, the manipulation of history by vampires explained a great many of the world's mysteries. But not all - not nearly all. Even your hostess couldnot answer every question you posed.Intrigued, she Embraced you, allowing you to devote eternity to finding your own answers - no matter how shocking or horrific they may be.
You embody the Tzimisce's scholarly side. You are a devoted student of the occult and are knowledgeable in many other fields as well. You are equally skilled in the acquisition of knowledge and have travelled to many exotic lands in your quest.

Roleplaying Tips:
Your thirst for knowledge exceeds even your thirst for blood. You devote yourself to unlocking the mysteries of the vampiric race, though you fear that behind the Kindred's Jyhad lurk entities more hideous than any vampire.

Fragments of the Book of Nod, Kirlian aura detector, laptop computer, rowan stake.

This info is ©1995 White Wolf. It is currently used without their blessing or permission. I'm real sorry 'bout that...but I mean 'em no harm. And if they say to remove it, I'd be happy to. I'm not doing this for money, or glory, or anything except to further the reach of their already incredible game system, and probably making 'em even MORE money...but still...