Information on resumption of indoor services
Our sanctuary has been disinfected and sanitized in preparation for resumption of indoor services. In addition, the restrooms on the main floor are cleaned and sanitized weekly.
While we are all anxious to return to indoor worship, please keep in mind that we are required to adhere to Governor Cuomo's Reopening New York Guidelines for Religious and Funeral Service and the guidelines from the Upper NY Conference of the United Methodist Church in order to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Your safety and health are our primary concern!.
The Guidelines require the following
- Enter and exit through the Education wing door only.
- Masks are required at all times within the building.
- Sign In at the table by the door. Use the hand sanitizer before proceeding to the sanctuary.
- We are using one door to enter and leave the sanctuary.
- Collection plate will be placed on the railing near the door. It will not be passed.
- Seating is marked with two empty rows spaced between each available pew. Families can sit together. If you share a row with a non-family member, please sit on opposite ends of the pew.
- Dismissal is directed by the usher by row to allow for safe-distancing from non-family members.
- Communion Sundays: Pastor Chris will do a regular service, with one exception. We will have Communion kits (wafer and juice) available near the sanctuary door for you to take with you since we aren't allowed to share food. The members who choose to stay in the parking lot can come to the church door and we'll have kits available to hand out.
For those who are still uncomfortable with attending a service indoors with others, we understand and support your decision. Please know the service will be recorded and provided so you can still worship virtually in the safety of your home or you can pick up the live service on 98.9 from your FM car receiver in the church parking lot.