LA188 Final Project:
Irrigation and the High Plains Aquifer

I. Forming some questions

It's easy to obtain large volumes of data, especially from federal agencies, but not so easy to understand it well enough to ask meaningful questions. Therefore I turned to my advisor, Professor Patzek, for help. He suggested investigating the sustainability of grain production in the US, in particular the dependence on irrigation from the High Plains aquifer, which is substantially depleted in parts. Some questions that could be asked:


The High Plains aquifer makes possible today's large-scale agriculture in regions that were too dry to farm before mechanized pumping. It lies under parts of eight states, and stores a volume of water about as large as one of the Great Lakes. This "fossil water", the remains of melted glaciers from the last ice age, had been stored for thousands of years until the development of irrigation starting in the 1940's. Because of its economic importance, the aquifer is intensely studied by the USGS; this background comes from their reports:

II. Outline of solution

III. Finding data

An excellent place to start is the National Atlas download site, which organizes geographic data from many federal agencies.

  1. Agriculture: The summaries at the National Atlas turned out to be not detailed enough, so I followed their link to the source, Census of Agriculture, which publishes statistics derived from surveys mailed to all known farms in the nation. The census is taken every five years, most recently in 2002 and 1997. (Selected statistics are shown on national maps.)  The statistics are reported by county, but sometimes data is withheld when there is only one farm reporting in a county, because of confidentiality. A shapefile of county boundaries is available, but I decided not to use it because (according to its metadata) it is intended for display at a national scale, 1:20,000,000 or smaller, so the county boundaries were too simplified and crude for the scale I wanted to work at. For example, here's what Maryland looks like zoomed in to 1:3,000,000:

    Notice that Washington, DC does not exist on the map; it has been subsumed into the neighboring county (highlighted). Therefore, I downloaded only the Data Query Application, which was a very convenient way to extract attribute tables with only the attributes I wanted; these table will be joined to a more detailed shapefile. The statistics I'm most interested in are
  2. High Plains Aquifer: The first Google hit on "High Plains Aquifer" is the High Plains Aquifer Information Network, an academic site which links to the USGS High Plains Regional Ground Water Study, where many GIS data sets are posted, and also to the lookup of USGS datasets by theme "High Plains Aquifer". I got these datasets: 
    Contents Filename USGS location Format Coordinate system Comment
    Aquifer boundary aqbound ofr99-267 coverage GCS_North_American_1983  
    County boundaries at 1:100,000 scale, clipped to the High Plains region. hpcountys hpcountys shapefile NAD_1927_Albers Metadata is in HTML, can't import it!
    State boundaries at 1:100,000, clipped to the High Plains region. hpstate hpstate shapefile NAD_1927_Albers  
    Saturated thickness of aquifer, 1996-97 sattk_97 ofr00-300_sattk9697 shapefile NAD_1927_Albers  
    Water level changes 1980-1997 wlc80_97 ofr00-96_wlc80_97 coverage NAD_1927_Albers  
    See footnotes on downloading.
  3. Water Use: I looked on the National Atlas under Water, and they provide tables of water use gathered by the USGS Water Use Information Program, showing water use by county in categories including public supply, irrigation, industrial, etc. The source of data on irrigation is chiefly State and Federal crop reporting programs, as well as estimates based on irrigated acreages and application rates (see discussion). This is very useful, since the Agriculture Census reported only the number of irrigated acres, not the actual amount of water used for irrigation. I downloaded the water use tables for 1995 and 2000, with their metadata.
  4. Rivers: I got the linear hydrography features from the National Atlas and clipped it to the county boundaries layer. There are too many water features to show on the map at the regional scale, so I selected the four most important rivers (as shown on maps in the USGS report) and exported them as a layer.

IV. Putting all layers in the same datum and projection

The USGS shapefiles did not come with .prj files, but the projection was given in the metadata, so I could define it by hand. The coverages do have projection defined in a way that ArcMap recognizes. Most of the USGS layers used an Albers Conical Equal Area projection with NAD1927 datum, USGS version:
standard parallel 29.5
standard parallel 45.5
longitude of central meridian -96
latitude of projection origin 23
false easting 0
false northing 0
I transformed the only one that was different to this coordinate system. The rivers layer was in geographic coordinates with NAD1927 datum; ArcMap automatically projects it to the data frame's projection.

V. Data Processing

ArcMap's Model Builder was helpful for keeping a record of exactly what steps I went through and which options were used in each tool.

  1. Join the county layer to the agriculture tables. (Footnote on joining tables) The map below shows the number of irrigated acres of corn in 2002. The irrigated acreage follows the shape of the aquifer quite closely, and also clusters around the major rivers, Platte River in Nebraska and Arkansas River in Kansas.

    And this map shows the market value of all crops in 2002. It looks like in Nebraska corn dominates the crops, while in Texas there is some other crop being grown besides corn to get high market values (from looking into the data tables, that other crop is cotton). The value of crops is clearly higher inside the aquifer than outside in Kansas, Colorado and Texas. To the northeast in Iowa, there is more rainfall and high market values are achieved with much less irrigation. 
  2. The aquifer boundary will be needed as an analysis mask for working with rasters. First, it needs a datum transformation to use the same datum, NAD27, as the other layers. The Project tool takes only the polygons, not the entire coverage, and writes a new shapefile. Next, convert it to a raster; I chose a cell size of 1000 meters because it is a convenient round number that is a little smaller than the resolution of the feature layer, judging by zooming in and looking at it. The raster value is taken from the OUTCROP attribute, which is 0 for the main aquifer polygon and 1 for other polygons representing small holes within it where the aquifer is not present. Finally, the 1 values are reclassified to NoData so it can be used as a mask.
  3. The water-level layer contains contours of water-level changes from 1980 to 1997 in feet. According to the USGS report, the irrigated acreage and the rate of withdrawal remained roughly the same during that time, after a large expansion of irrigation from 1940-1980. Note the large declines in the water level in southwestern Kansas and the Texas panhandle, while in eastern Nebraska the water level has increased, due to wetter conditions.

    This change should be compared to the saturated thickness remaining in the aquifer as of 1997:

    It appears that in Texas there are only a few decades worth of water remaining, based on drawdowns of 40 feet in two decades and remaining thickness of around 100 feet. Only about 60 to 80 percent of the water can be fully extracted with pumps, because some of it remains bound in the pore space due to capillarity, and a large capacity well requires a minimum of about 30 feet of saturated thickness to operate; see the USGS report.
  4. I want to get the average values over each county. First I need to interpolate to a surface. Topo To Raster seems to be the appropriate tool: it is intended to interpolate from contour lines with a spline-based method. Other options would be extracting the vertices to make a points layer, then interpolating with a method such as spline or inverse distance weighted, or making a TIN, but these would require more steps.
    1. These contours were originally created as follows: (from metadata) "Water-level points for 5,233 wells were reviewed and then printed on mylar with the aquifer boundary ... Contours were then handdrawn using an interpolated grid from ARC/INFO... The interpolation method used in ARC/INFO was Kriging with the universal1 method." For a more in-depth project, it would be better to contact the USGS to obtain the original point feature layer for the wells and interpolate a surface from that.
    2. Some contours have a code "99" which isn't a real data value, but probably means the contour encloses an "island" where the aquifer is not present. There are only 3 of these and they are small, so I decided to ignore them by selecting only contours with MAJOR1_POLY < 99 and making a feature layer.
    3. Interpolate with Topo to Raster, with the drainage enforcement option turned off, because it is meant for terrain elevation. See the ArcMap help screens for explanation. Strangely, ArcMap didn't record the coordinate system for the interpolated layer, so again I have to define projection and import the coordinate system from the original feature layer. It should have done that automatically.
    4. Use Extract by Mask to mask out all cells where the aquifer is not present. 

      Here's how the interpolated and masked surface appears.
  5. Use Zonal Statistics to find the average drawdown over each county. (Use the Ignore NoData option to take the average only over the cells in the county that belong to the aquifer.) Join the statistics table to the county table, and uncheck Keep All to keep only the counties that appear in the statistics table, that is, the 235 counties that overlap the aquifer.

    This produces a map of average drawdown in each county:
  6. Join water-use data for 2000 to the county layer. This map shows withdrawal of groundwater for irrigation, in millions of gallons per day, by county. Notice that the greatest withdrawal rates are not necessarily in the same places as the greatest water-level drops. A full description of the flow of groundwater in the aquifer would require software beyond ArcMap, such as Modflow, another USGS product.
  7. Finally, join all the tables, select the 225 counties that both overlap the aquifer and have valid data for value of crops, and export a combined layer for making graphs.

V. Conclusions

Using the joined table, the variables of interest can be plotted against each other.

Clearly there is a very strong correlation between groundwater withdrawal and market value of crops in the aquifer, except for the one outlier (Weld County, Colorado, which barely overlaps the aquifer).

In the next map, counties are selected that have high intensity of agriculture (> $50 million market value of crops, a round number that is about the highest 25% of counties) and large water level drop (below -15 feet, about the lowest 25%). These could be considered counties at the greatest risk of spiraling costs of irrigation as water must be raised from greater depths.

 The real issues are how much depth remains in the aquifer at these locations, how much longer it will last at current withdrawal rates, how the cost of pumping will increase with time and oil prices, and how successful farmers have been at increasing efficiency of irrigation. Check out the USGS report for deeper consideration of these questions. 

VI. Data Quality and Uncertainty

The major limitation of this analysis is that most data was only available at the county level, and a county is a very large area (compared to a farm) and its boundaries are irregular and not necessarily related to any natural features of the data. I'm not sure how to quantify the resulting error; I would need some information on the variation of land use within a county. Many counties barely overlapped the edge of the aquifer, although there might be another different aquifer within their boundaries. It might have been more valid to exclude counties that are not wholly within the aquifer.

Other data quality issues:


  1. Notes on downloading:
    1. For coverages, unpack the .e00 file (ArcInfo interchange format) with ArcCatalog as described in Lab 6.
    2. Shapefiles are compressed and require the tar utility to extract them. Fortunately it is installed in the Wurster Hall PCs under the Hummingbird Connectivity package. Caution: unix tar extracted only part of the files, and produced damaged files that could not be transferred by SSH Secure Shell, nor opened by ArcMap.
    3. Import metadata, using ArcCatalog Metadata toolbar. Metadata is usually found on the same website with the data in .xml or .txt form.
      1. ArcCatalog also handles metadata for data tables. The water use tables came with their metadata, which explained the cryptic field names and gave units. It required some hand editing: for example, ArcCatalog didn't recognize that "Ps-wgwfr" in the metadata should refer to field name PS_WGWFR.
      2. The agriculture query tool produces text files which explain the column headings and attribute values (units of numbers, codes in flag columns), but they are not in a standard format that ArcCatalog can import. I hand-edited some of the field names using Excel, but mostly didn't bother.
  2. Joining the tables took some fixing. 
    1. The join attribute is the five-digit code that identifies US counties, defined by the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS). The shapefile has this code as an integer, while the other tables have it as a string. I had to add a new integer field to the water use table, and calculate its value from the string FIPS. Fortunately, this works. 
    2. Each agricultural data column has a corresponding flag column indicating whether a zero value of data is a true zero or represents data withheld for confidentiality. In order to symbolize the data on the map, I needed to put a code for withheld data in the data column. I selected the withheld rows by attribute, clicked Show Selected, then used Calculate Values in the data column to set them to -1.
    3. To make it easier to work with joined tables, select only the desired fields in the Fields tab of the Layer Properties, then export the data as a new table, which will have all the desired joined fields and none of the extraneous ones. However, I couldn't find out how to do this in ArcToolbox, so I couldn't record this step in Model Builder.
    4.  Join all the tables first and then join the result to the shapefile, to avoid making unnecessary copies of the spatial data.