Tracking the "Crusader Spammer"
The latest...
- 29 Sep 95 Two new developments. One, the spam has continued
from a machine in Italy. I (and I'm sure many others) have notified
their contacts. Two, from communications with the admins of the
French and German sites, it would seem that the spam originated at
that site -- the spammers gained root access via the sendmail bug. At
the moment a number of US and non-US agencies are looking for the perpetrators.
- 30 Sep 95 As of 5PM EST the script is still running on The admins there must have lost total control of
their site, which means it may continue for a while. Also, someone
started cancelling messages to the newsgroup
that concern this spam. Whenever reporting any net-abuse, please be
sure to include the complete headers with your message!!!
- 2 Oct 95 Well, it's been a day or two since we're seen any
new email spams. I have been in touch with the IP feed for the Italian
domain, and they are monitoring the situation. UUNET has tracked down
who was issuing the forged cancels - they were coming from the same
site in Italy as the forged email. (see logs in usenet section below).
- 3 Oct 95 I've been informed that the folks behind this are
trying to send another spam, but are not currently succeeding.
Hopefully this will continue to be the case, however, I expect the
recent verdict in the OJ trial will prompt some response from them.
Also, the forged cancels seem to be continuing for
news.admin-net-abuse.misc. Therefore I am saving all cancelled posts
from that group in the usenet section below.
- 6 Oct 95 It's been 3 days since the last update, and
there's not much new to report. I've not heard of any attempts to
repeat this, and the last mail was sent out very late on 30 Sept.
This will be the last entry until something new occurs. Considering
that both the white supremecist groups, and the more rational people
of the net are all looking for who did this, I think the culprits will
keep low-key for a while. Thanks to everyone who wrote in expressing
their support.