Excerpts from: From: mfendt@eso.org Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 14:52:48 +0100 Message-Id: <9509261352.AA04326@ws3.hq.eso.org> Subject: Sorry for the mail; Someone abused our system Hello, You might have gotten a mail from one of my machines (mc3.hq.eso.org) from root@eso.org, root@mc3.hq.eso.org,@eso.org, @mc3.hq.eso.org or Crusader@National.Alliance with rather racist contents. Somebody (not anyone from eso.org as far as I can judge it) abused our systems, forged mail and illegally sent out this postage. !!!!! I apologize for that mail. !!!!!! I felt embarrassed by the posting and as far as I can see on the reactions a lot of you as well. Sorry for that, Michael Fendt (postmaster@eso.org) ______________________________________________________________________________ Michael Fendt ESO (European Southern Observatory) Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2 85748 Garching Germany Tel: +49 89 32006 441 Fax: +49 89 32023 62 email: mfendt@eso.org