Tracking the "Crusader Spammer"

Date:         Wed, 04 Oct 95 18:43:15 MET
From: Daniele Vannozzi <VANNOZZI@NIS.GARR.IT>
Organization: GARR-NIS (Italy) phone: +39 50 593360
Subject:      Re: Racist email coming from your site.


Dear All,
we apologize  for having  bounced  from our  machine  (
racist mails from Crusader@National.Alliance.
As you can understand,  we have been victims of an attack:  someone came
into our system and disable our security procedures before sending those
We have spent many hours to investigate about and then block the attack.
We are sure you  can understand why we didn't answer to the great amount
of complaing mail we got.
Sorry for this bad experience.
Best Regards,

                           GARR-NIS Staff

Daniele Vannozzi                 Phone:     +39 50 593280
GARR-NIS                         Phone NIS: +39 50 593360
c/o CNUCE - Istituto del CNR     Fax:       +39 50 904052
Via Santa Maria 36               Telex:  500371 - CNUCE
56100 Pisa - Italy               E-mail:
