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Campers' Group Bulletin - Winter 2011-2012   

Bunny footprints in
the melting snow: reminders
that we share this land

--Charles de Lint

Sunday, January 8, Brunch at The Park Restaurant, Manhattan NY
This spacious, hip restaurant has nice brunch selections, friendly staff, and a big atrium. Meet us at 1 pm, and we will enjoy a meal together before we discuss and decide on future trips. Afterward, perhaps we will stroll over to the nearby High Line Park, or Hudson River Park. NO CALLS BEFORE SUNDAY JANUARY 1.
Frank 914-740-1053
January 13-16, X-Country Ski in Fahnestock Winter Park, Carmel NY
Glide or snowshoe along nine miles of groomed trails for a day or weekend x-country ski trip. Or just slide down a hill on an inner tube. Rental equipment, lessons and warming huts available. Fahnestock is close to NYC, so you can come for one day or stay and make a weekend trip out of it. You can reserve a room at the comfortable Countryside Motel 10 miles away. NO CALLS BEFORE FRIDAY DECEMBER 30.
David 914-356-7164 / Theresa 917-836-7003
Saturday, January 28, Co-Ed Saturday Steam, Russian/Turkish Baths, Manhattan NY
Join friends from Camper's Group in a jolly romp at NYC's last old-style neighborhood steambath. $35 gets you admission, secure storage for valuables, a locker with key for clothing, plus towels, shorts, robes, slippers. (I bring a bathing suit and flip flops.) Let's meet at 6 p.m., and plan to stay about 2 hrs and have supper in the neighborhood afterwards. For more details, view their web site at, or call them at 212-674-9250. NO CALLS BEFORE SATURDAY JANUARY 21.
Sarah 212-675-5012
Saturday, February 11, Potluck Winter Party at Denise's Place, Brooklyn NY
Even if it's cold outside, it'll be warm in here. Bring a dish to share with old and new friends. There'll be music, conversation, food, spirits, and a surprise birthday celebration. This is a leave-your-shoes-at-the-door party--socks or bare feet are OK. Accessible by public transportation. NO CALLS BEFORE SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4.
Denise 646-457-2072
February 17-20, Ski Trip, Prospect Mountain X-Country Ski Center, Woodford VT
We'll be staying at the Knotty Pine Motel and skiing/snow-shoeing/drinking hot chocolate at the Prospect Mountain Ski Center. For downhill skiing and snowboarding, Mt. Snow is further but still within range. Call for the phone number of the motel--you are responsible for making your own reservation--we will help you with transportation and match you up with a roommate if you request it.
Debby 917-340-2663 / David 718-897-1448
Sunday, March 4, Day Hike in Sterling Forest State Park, Monroe NY
Sterling Forest State Park comprises 17,953 acres of nearly pristine natural refuge amidst of one of the nation's most densely populated areas, a remarkable piece of woodland, a watershed for millions, and a tremendous outdoor recreation area. Meet us in the morning at the new visitor center overlooking Sterling Lake, which features exhibits about the local environment. That will be our starting point for a pleasant hike along one or more of the many scenic trails. This moderate hike will last approximately 3-4 hours. Please be prepared with appropriate clothing, hiking shoes, and enough food and water to sustain you throughout the day.
Ken 201-388-3685
March 16-18, Cabin Trip, Tohickon Valley Park, Point Pleasant PA
Enjoy the comforts of a warm and cozy cabin by the flowing Tohickon Valley Creek, or rough it in your tent. It's possible that, during the weekend, water will be released from an upstream dam, enlarging the creek and making it a nirvana for kayakers. The cabin has a kitchen, bathroom, shower and wood-burning fireplace. The trip is limited to six or eight people depending on which cabin we are able to reserve. Bring your own food, utensils and linens. NO CALLS BEFORE THURSDAY FEBRUARY 16.
Sue 973-896-3120 / Oded 917-593-1588

  Caretaker     David L.       
  Treasurer     Debby S.       
  Outdoors Consultant     Ken Q.       
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