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Campers' Group Bulletin - Winter 1999-2000

Campers' Group Bulletin - Winter 1999-2000

Ready to ski? We've made plans for two x-country ski trips this Winter, one in the Catskills and the other in the Adirondacks. If you haven't skied before or don't have equipment, you can rent equipment or get lessons.

We've also organized day trips in the NY City area and a couple of parties. If you are interested in setting Campers' Group policy, attend our annual meeting in March.

If you want to escape America, then contact Dan Bachmann about camping or hosteling in Europe in Y2K: 908-874-4935.

To reserve a space on a weekend trip or a day event, call the leaders during the listed time period. All reservation checks should be mailed to David Levner, 63-36 98th Place #5J, Rego Park NY 11374. If you need information earlier than the dates listed below, call David at 718-897-1448.

To go on a camping or cabin trip, you must be a member. You can mail us your dues or pay it at the site. One year's membership costs $12 for an individual or $18 for a family ($8/individual or $12/family if you receive the newsletter by e-mail). Make your check payable to Campers' Group and mail it to the address in the preceding paragraph.


Saturday December 25, Christmas Dinner, Manhattan
Celebrate the holiday with friends. We'll meet for a Manhattan adventure and a meal in an ethnic restaurant to enjoy the spirit of the season. NO CALLS BEFORE DECEMBER 18.

Carol Shapiro 718-258-8570

Saturday January 8, Y2K Potluck Party, Brooklyn NY
Y2K (YES 2 KIM'S) party. Start celebrating the next 1000 years with good food and good friends. Bring your favorite dish, a fun spirit and dance music. RSVP WITH DENISE FROM DECEMBER 31 - JANUARY 3, AND RSVP WITH KIM AFTER JANUARY 3.

Kim Miller 718-875-0883, Denise Drossos 718-435-3169

January 14-16, Frost Valley YMCA, Oliverea, NY
Celebrate Martin Luther King's Weekend with us in the snowy Catskill Mountains. If the night sky is clear, you can view the stars in Frost Valley's new observatory. Two nights lodging in a modern, well-heated cabin and five meals (Saturday breakfast through Sunday lunch) are provided. Vegetarian meals can be arranged. The cost is $140 with discounts for children under 15. The fee includes x-country ski rentals; snow shoes are also available but bring ice skates if you have them. Limited to 10 people. To reserve, mail a check for $140/adult; call for the price for children. NO CALLS BEFORE DECEMBER 14.

Neysa Linzer 917-444-0283, David Levner 718-897-1448

January 29, Ice-Skating at Chelsea Piers, Manhattan
You can do it forwards, backwards, in circles, with a twist, together or alone, just come and do it. We'll meet at 11:30 at Chelsea Piers and skate the morning away. Bring skates if you have, or rent at the rink. Entrance fee is $11 adults, $8/children and $5 for skates. NO CALLS BEFORE JANUARY 21.

Denise Drossos 718-435-3169

February 6, Day Trip, Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park, Brookville, NY
Come see the newly-bloomed camellias. Look, touch and smell the array of other various plants and trees amongst rolling lawns and formal gardens. Then take a short hike in a wooded section of the 409 acres of land. You don't have to love plants to enjoy this beautiful place. NO CALLS BEFORE JANUARY 29.

John Waters 718-626-1133

Saturday February 12, Night Out, Nassau/Queens Drum and Dance Gathering, Rockville Center, NY
Bring your drums, klabas, tambourines and dancing feet for a night of drumming and dancing. Fifteen minutes from Queens line and Jamaica. $5 fee. NO CALLS BEFORE FEBRUARY 5.

Shiffie Sapatkin 516-377-0969

February 18-21, High Peaks Base Camp, Upper Jay, NY
All Winter sports and a comfortable lodge in the Adirondacks. Nearby Lake Placid has indoor and outdoor ice-skating rinks; go to Mt. Van Hovenberg and Cascade for x-country skiing; Whiteface Mountain for downhill skiing. All equipment can be rented, and you can purchase lessons. Or explore the back country of the Adirondack High Peaks Wilderness Area. The base camp is warm and has a restaurant, bathrooms and showers. A hearty breakfast is provided. The cost is $25/night. Because this trip is a long drive (5-6 hours), try to get some days off from work to extend your stay. To reserve, send a check for $25/night. NO CALLS BEFORE JANUARY 18.

Bamidele Adeyemi 212-866-1367, David Levner 718-897-1448

February 26, Day Hike, Harriman State Park, NY
If you want to keep fit and warm during the Winter, bundle up to a moderately paced hike in the mountains of Harriman State Park. Smell the scent of earth while trekking up and down the trail. Public transportation available. Meet at 10:30 AM. NO CALLS BEFORE FEBRUARY 18.

Chet Trotman 718-421-7370

Sunday March 5, Annual Meeting, Brooklyn, NY
Meet to plan our agenda for the coming year. How many Summer camping trips should we have in 2000? Which parks should we visit? How should we attract new members? We need your opinion! Members only. Located near public transportation. NO CALLS BEFORE FEBRUARY 25.

Denise Drossos 718-435-3169

Saturday March 11, Potluck Party, Staten Island, NY
Winter Reunion in Staten Island. Share laughter and song by the warmth of the FIRE. This is the 4th annual shindig at Neysa's. Bring food, laughter, pictures from our Summer camping trips and musical instruments for all to enjoy! Members and their guests. P.S. BYOM........... (Bring your own marshmallows.) NO CALLS BEFORE MARCH 3.

Neysa Linzer 917-444-0283

March 24-26, Camping/Cabin Trip, French Creek State Park, Elverson PA
Stay in an electric-heated cabin or a human-heated tent: your choice. The cabin has a kitchen, bathroom, shower and carpeting, but is limited to six people. There are 32 miles of hiking trails and two lakes in the park. It is near Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site. Staying in a cabin costs $45 for the weekend. NO CALLS BEFORE FEBRUARY 24.

Barbara Haug 718-369-1061, Kirsten Andersen 914-923-9428

  Benevolent Dictator  David Levner    718-897-1448 :-)
  Non-Dictator         Denise Drossos  718-435-3169

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