Publish or Perish!!
Mark Sheingorn
- Individual Closed Horocyclic Orbits on the Modular
Surface, (with Marvin Knopp),
- McShane's Identity, Using Elliptic Elements,
(with Thomas A. Schmidt), Geometricae Dedicata, 134 (2008) 75-90.
- Classifying Low Height Geodesics on
, (with Thomas A. Schmidt), Int'l J. of Number Theory, 3 (2007) 421-438.
- Low Height Geodesics on
: Explicit Height Formulae, Examples and Local Isolation, (with Thomas A. Schmidt), Int'l J. of Number Theory, 3 (2007) 473-501.
- Parametrizing Simple Closed Geodesy on
, (with Thomas A. Schmidt), Journal of the
Australian Math. Soc., 74 (2003) 43-60.
- Geodesics on Riemann Surfaces with Ramification
Points of Order Greater than Two, New York Journal of Mathematics
, New York J. Math., 7 (2001), 189-199.
- Covering the Hecke Triangle Groups, (with
Thomas A. Schmidt), Ramanujan Journal, 1 (1997), 155-163.
- Riemann Surfaces Have Hall Rays at Each Cusp,
(with Thomas A. Schmidt), Ill. J of Math, 41 (1997), 378-397.
- Dirichlet Series and Hecke Triangle Groups of Infinite Volume,
(with Marvin Knopp), Acta Arithmetica, LXXVI.3 (1996), 227-244.
- Length Spectra of Hecke Triangle Surfaces,
(with Thomas A. Schmidt), Mathematische Zeit., 220 (1995), 369-397.
- On Infinite Volume Hecke Triangle Surfaces,
(with Thomas A. Schmidt), Compositio Math., 95 (1995), 247-262.
- The
Riemann Surface, Acta Arithmetica, 63 (1993),
- Continued Fractions, Congruence Subgroups, and the Hecke Triangle
Groups, in ``Number Theory with an Emphasis on the Markoff Spectrum'', A.
Pollington and W. Moran, eds., Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied
Mathematics 147 (1993), Marcel Dekker, New York. (pp. 239-254)
- ``A Tribute to Emil Grosswald", Marvin Knopp and Mark Sheingorn, eds.,
Cont. Math. 143 (1993), AMS, Providence, RI.
- Low Height Hecke Triangle Group Geodesics, in ``A Tribute to Emil
Grosswald", Marvin Knopp and Mark Sheingorn, eds., Cont. Math. 143
(1993), AMS, Providence, RI. (pp. 545-560)
- In Appreciation of Emil Grosswald, (with David Bressoud and Marvin
Knopp), in ``A Tribute to Emil Grosswald", Marvin Knopp and Mark Sheingorn,
eds., Cont. Math. 143 (1993), AMS, Providence, RI. (pp. 1-8)
- Effective Lower Bounds for the Norm of the Poincaré
-Operator, TAMS, 325 (1991), 453-463.
- Hyperbolic Reflections on Pell's Equation,
J. of Number Theory, 33 (1989), 267-285.
- Rational Solutions of
and Simple Closed Geodesics on Fricke Surfaces, in
``Holomorphic Functions and Moduli I''; D. Drasin et al,
eds.; MSRI Publ. 10; Springer-Verlag, New York, 1988. (pp.
- Closed Geodesics on a Riemann Surface with
Application to the Markov Spectrum, TAMS
295(1986), 635-647. (with A. Beardon and J. Lehner)
- Characterization of Simple Closed Geodesics on
Fricke Surfaces, Duke Math. J. 52 (1985), 535-545.
- A Symbolic Dynamics for Geodesics on Punctured
Riemann surfaces, Math. Ann. 268 (1984), 425-448.
(with J. Lehner)
- Computing Self-intersections of Closed Geodesics
on Finite-sheeted Covers of the Modular Surface,
Math. Comp. 44 (1985), 233-240. (with J. Lehner)
- Simple Closed Geodesics on
from the Markov Spectrum, BAMS 11 (1984),
359-362. (with J. Lehner)
- Exponential Sums Connected with Ramanujan's
-Function, Mathematika 29 (1982), 270-277.
(with L.A. Parson)
- Trajectories on Riemann Surfaces, in ``Explicit
Solutions of Quantum and Classical Models and Parallel
Arithmetical Problems''; D.V. & G.V.Chudnovsky, eds.;
Marcel Dekker, New York, 1984. (pp. 379-400.)
- Bounding the Norm of the Poincaré
-Operator, Lecture Notes in Mathematics # 899,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1981, 422-441. (with L.A.
- Transitivity for the Modular Group, Proc.
Cambridge Phil.Soc., 88 (1980), 409-423.
- Boundary Behavior of Automorphic Forms and
Transitivity for the Modular Group, Ill. J. of Math.,
24 (1980), 440-451.
- Characterization of Fuchsian Groups whose
Integrable Forms are Bounded, Ann. of Math.,
106 (1977), 239-258. (with D. Niebur)
- Fields with Large Kronecker Constant, J.
of Number Theory, 9 (1977), 182-186. (with T. Callahan &
- Continuous Solution of a Homogeneous
Functional Equation, Æquationes Math., 13 (1975),
47-59. (with M. Newman)
- Variations on Continuity, Math. Magazine,
47 (1974), 41-43. (with R. Bumcrot)
- Polynomial Approximation in the Bers spaces,
Princeton Annals Surv. 2, 79 (1974), 58-67. (with T. Metzger)
- Poincare Series Bounded away from Zero in a
Fundamental Region, Am. J. of Math., 95 (1973),
- Characterizations of
, NBS J.
of Res., 77B (1973), 85-92.