On the other side, the herd man in Europe today gives himself the appearance
of being the only permissible kind of man, and glorifies his attributes,
which make him tame, easy to get along with, and useful to the herd, as
if they were the truly human virtues: namely, public spirit, benevolence,
consideration, industriousness, moderation, modesty, indulgence, and pity.
In those cases, however, where one considers leaders and bellwethers indispensable,
people today make one attempt after another to add together clever herd
men by way of replacing commanders: all parliamentary constitutions, for
example have this origin. Nevertheless, appearance of one who commands unconditionally
strikes these herd-animal Europeans an immense comfort and salvation from
a gradually intolerable pressure, as was last attested in a major way by
the effect of Napoleon's appearance. The history of Napoleon's reception
is almost the history of the higher happiness attained by this whole century
in its most valuable human beings and moments.
Beyond Good and Evil