Capital PC User Group
Microsoft Office SIG
Changing web page size in your web browswer

    There are few rules relating to size for web page writers. People have different sized screens set to different resolutions. People also vary widely in how well they see.

    Thus, users benefit if they can control the size of web pages. Web Browsers such as MSIE and Netscape have user controlled settings to select text sizes. Web pages also have images, User choices for setting image sizes are limited. Bookmarklets change the size of everything on a web page, so proportions are maintained. One can scroll the current page to examine the desired portion.

    Alas, when one goes to a different page, the settings are not maintained. Nonetheless, seeing everything larger is often useful.

    This info is from the 08/2005 Cursor, the monthly newsletter from WACUG computer club in Alexandria, VA.

    The example used here makes the image 33% (about 1/3) larger. The value used, actually 133%, could be changed when the bookmarklet is created. One could make several of these, and select the one desired.

Send suggestions to: Nealg
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