Hobby Shops and Robot Supplies Stores

Purpose: To help members find local supplies stores and share resource sources for their projects

Robot stores:

GPA Hobbies
2431 Crofton Lane, Suite 6
Crofton, MD 21114.
(301) 858-0004
(410) 721-2010.
A real hobby shop. Many mechanical parts, few electronics parts. A good place for batteries, motors, gears, chassis, wheels. Next to an Olympic car parts store - a great place to get parts for a foreign car.
Store reported by Kenny Wilson

Lego opened a Tyson's corner store (number 23), 8/27/04 with Mindstorms and other items.
Store reported by Janet Lathan

The Web Site (URL) for several hobby stores around the Wash., DC region is:

Hobby Works - Laurel
Laurel Shopping Center
354 Domer Avenue
Laurel, MD 20707
Phone: (301) 725-0383

Hobby Works - Rockville
Federal Plaza
12274-G Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: (301) 468-6330

Hobby Works - Fairfax
Fairfax City Mall
9650-42 Main Street
Fairfax, VA 22031
Phone: (703) 426-8600

The Web Site (URL) for another source of hobby parts is:

1053 South 1675 West
Orem, UT 84058

Here is the URL of a mailorder robot kit:
(contributed by another member, NG)

URL for another robot kit, in the $300 price range:
This device requires a laptop computer (not included) as the on-board computer controlling the robot and running its vision system
(contributed by another member, Kirby)

URL for a kit for a Calculator Robot:
uses TI Graphing Calculator (not included) as the on-board computer controlling the robot's travel
(contributed by John Mahoney, teacher at Banneker High School, Wash., DC)

Does anyone have any information about a place near the Rockville COMP USA e that also has robot parts?

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Content of this page is maintained by Marty Shinko

If you have information or links for other resources that you would like to have added to this page, or if you have corrections or other editing requests or suggestions, please send an e-mail message with your text or suggestions in plain text to Marty Shinko. Please do not send attachments or *.DOC files or photos or image files.

2004-OCT-23 (23X04)