Jeff Berry
My portmanteau site, Aspiring
Luddite, is up and running as of 17 November 2010.
UNIX Systems Consultant
In August of 2000, I returned to the Goddard Institute for Space Studies
as the Systems Manager. In 2013, I relocated to England. As of this writing (2019), I am working
at the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit of the Medical Research Council as a part of
Cambridge University.
My resume
A current resume.
Fight Director
Pretty quiet here, although I was fairly consistently doing the violent
bits for
The Deptford Players,
now on hiatus.
My area of especial interest is in Medieval/Renaissance Cooking, primarily
by way of the
Society for Creative Anachronism. I've written, and intermittently continue
to write a column on Medieval Cookery, The Hitchhiker's Guide to Ancient Cookery
which was reprinted in the late, lamented
Serve It Forth.
A wealth of further information is available on
The Medieval/Renaissance Food Homepage.
I've been a gamer, both Role and War, for more years than I care to remember.
My only real claim to fame in this arena is as a playtester for AH's Republic
of Rome,
and White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade, for which I wrote a jump start
adventure called Alien Hunger. (Which was edited to remove my favorite
sub-plot, by the way. Sigh.)
Currently, most of my face to face gaming time is spent on
Advanced Squad Leader.
I am also running or playing in a number of PBM rpgs, like
Right now, I'm shopping some mystery short stories, some sci-fi short stories and a couple of full length
verse plays. One play is a history loosely based on the life of Christopher Marlowe.
The second, Forest for the Trees, was produced in 2003 by
the The Deptford Players.
A tragedy is in the works.
I've sold a few stories to Thema magazine and hope to sell them some
Oh yes, I've also written some adventures for role-playing
In my copious spare time, I used to run a "garage" ISP, I switched that over
to a virtual co-location and trimmed some of what it did.
My fencing is through the
Society for Creative Anachronism primarily, although I've dabbled in
In the SCA, I am the Premier of the
Outlands Order of the White Scarf and a companion of the Order
of the Golden Rapier of the East.
I wrote most of the section on Fencing in the New Fighters'
Handboke (at least, the old edition, there may be a new one), and what I didn't write, I edited. (For those who care, I didn't write the section on armoring, warm-ups or drills.)
I'm currently working on a Masters in Medieval Studies at Columbia University. My focus is, rather unsurprisingly, medieval culinary history. I recently presented a paper called, "Medieval Food Porn: The Forme of Cury and Du fait de cuisine," which in a roundabout way spawned a Social Media Firestorm.
Jeff Berry /
/ Last Update 4 November 2010