The Covenant of Stonehollow(literal)
- All Magi shall have one vote each.
- Guards collectively shall have one vote.
- All other covenant folk collectively shall have one vote.
- Senechals shall have the duties that Senechals have.
- There shall be two Senechals.
- Disbursements of over 100 s. shall be brought before the comittee.
- The Chairman shall preside over the meeting.
- Meetings are on Thursday, unless special meetings are called.
- Two thirds of the votes is a quorum.
- Each Mage shall spend one season each three years performing service
of benefit to the covenant.
These articles signed and witnessed by
Kelvin Dath, Marie, Anthorne
On this I set my seal as Witness, Jeremiah of House Quaesitoris
On this 23 Day of January, 1202
- Article 2 shall be amended to read, The Guards shall collectively have 1
vote, represented in the person of the Captain of the Guard.
- Article 3 shall be amended to read, The other folk inhabiting the Covenant
proper shall have 1 vote, represented in the person of the Seneschal.
- Article 5 shall be amended to read, there shall be 1 Seneschal who shall
be appointed by vote of the Council.
- Article 6 shall be amended to read, Disbursements of over 2000 s.
shall be brought before the Seneschal.
- 6A) The Seneschal will be granted an operating budget each
season which he may distribute with impunity
- 6B) Items of over 2000 s. not included in this budget must be
brought before council
- 9A) A vote with quorum is sufficient to allocate funds, or make binding
decisions, save modifying this Covenant.
- 11) The Seneschal shall arbitrate all disputes in the Covenant. Any
party dissatisfied with the Seneschal's judgement may appeal to the
- 12) The Magi shall serve in alternation as the primary recourse of those
who appeal the judgement of the Seneschal. If the Appellate Mage
deems it neccessary, he may bring the issue before the Council. If
he deems the appeal frivolous, he may also exact punishment or
recompense from that person who made the appeal.
- 13) This Covenant may only be changed by a two thirds majority of all
- 14) Members of Stonehollow are bound in loyalty to the
covenant and any action which is deemed by council
disloyal/unlawful is punishable. The punishment is to be determined
by vote.
These articles signed and witnessed by
Kelvin Dath, Marie, Anthorne, Quip
On this I set my seal as Witness, Jeremiah of House Quaesitoris
On this twelfth day of August, 1210
In all these documents, Novice shall refer to new Magi admitted to the
Covenant, Magister shall refer to those Magi who have passed their time
as Novicea, Magi shall refer to all those so recognized as such by the
Order of Hermes, and who are members of this Covenant; that is, all
Novices and Magisters.
- 15) Those Magi joining this Covenant shall be admitted as Novices, if
acceptable to the majority of the Magisters. This right do the
Magisters hold to themselves, and themselves alone.
- 15a) The Novice shall remain such for the period of five years, at which
time they shall be accepted as full Members.
- 15b) The Novice shall abide by the following restrictions: Primus:They
shall use no Vis from the Covenant store. Secondus: One half of all
Vis which they shall gather unto themselves shall be forfiet to the
Covenant stores. Tertius: If they shall break the Covenant and depart
they shall take with them no more than they entered with; all Vis,
possessions, and fruits of their labors shall rest in Stonehollow.
- 15c) The Novice shall have these priveleges: Full access to the library,
the right to vote in all Councils saving only those matters restricted
to Magisters.
- 15d) Those Magi who were apprenticed in Stonehollow, and who spent their
entire apprenticeship under the dominion of a Magister of Stonehollow
shall have their period of Noviate reduced to three years, unless a
two-thirds majority of the Magisters shall wish to raise it to five,
if said Magi shall wish to join the Covenant. Any other change to his
or her Noviate requirement is subject to Article 16.
- 16) The requirement of the Noviate may be reduced or waived only by
unanimous vote of the Magisters.
These articles signed and witnessed by
Kelvin Dath, Marie, Anthorne
On this I set my seal as Witness, Jeremiah of House Quaesitoris
On this sixteenth day of June, 1214
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Jeff Berry/
/ Last Update 1/18/96