
winter sportsYosemite

Juneuary in Yosemite

Badger Pass Ski Area, January 18, 2014If you live in California, you probably suspected it, but now it's official -- Governor Brown has declared  a drought emergency.  The governor called it "perhaps the worst drought California has ever seen since records began being kept about 100 years ago."

 Californians are being called upon to conserve water.  Some cities are readying water use restrictions.  The water shortage was already an issue for recent years-- farmers are forced to use expensive water sources to irrigate crops, or are allowing the ground to lie fallow.  The Sierra is feeling the effects as well. Wildfires are hardly seasonal now. It's as if there were a year round fire season. Unless there is a considerable increase in precipitation in the next couple of months, this summer could be the worst fire season yet. 

In the Sierra, snowfall  is only a fraction of normal.  Badger pass has not opened  at all. So what are you to do if you were planning on a ski getaway for Martin Luther King weekend?  For starters, this season the bike rental stands in Yosemite have been opened up and horseback riding is available.  Trails are open that are normally closed this time of year. In short,  there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation. The temperatures are not springlike, so be sure to dress warmly. Enjoy the weekend, and in the meantime, pray for rain!

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