
Spring has officially arrived. To me, spring means “Wildflowers!!” Just before spring arrives, I crawl out of my cave and begin looking for the first bits of color to appear in the winter grass. I start listening for reports of… Continue Reading…

BearsFeedingFood StoragevideoYosemite

Bear wants food from backpack

With spring upon us, “…a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love,” and an awakening bear’s fancy turns to thoughts of food! A National Park Service ranger tells the story of a young couple on their honeymoon in… Continue Reading…

videowinter sportsYosemite

What is there to do in Yosemite in the winter? Plenty! Watch this video…

winter sportsYosemite

If you live in California, you probably suspected it, but now it’s official — Governor Brown has declared  a drought emergency.

Why Visit?Yosemite

[caption id="attachment_72" align="alignleft" width="300"]Yosemite Falls Webcam Yosemite Falls Webcam[/caption]