Feather-Craft, a fine fly fishing shop and web store has a fly tying contest in progress. The winning flies will go into production and sold in Feather-Craft's catalog. Over the years my 7 to 9-inch Squidsicle fly in various colorations (Wonder Bread in this case) has been a producer from May through November and not only when there are squid around. The construction and materials of this fly keep it in perpetual motion. I entered this fly in the contest under the saltwater catagory. If you would like to support my fly, click here and leave a comment. Thanks!

Mustad 3407DT #3/0 |
White |
One white, light blue, pink, violet and chartreuse saddle (tied in surrounding the shank and splayed), 2 pieces of both gold flash and rainbow crystal flash |
Light blue bodi braid |
Collar 1: (just in front of hook point): Sparse White, chartreuse and light blue bucktail mixed;
Collar 2: (1/3 up shank) pink marabou (4 close turns)
Collar 3: (2/3 up shank) yellow schlappen (4 turns)
Collar 4: (just behind eye) Cream marabou (4 close turns) |
