
We visited a village devestated by the tsunami.

The finale of our visit was a trip to the village of Morampitigoda, where the LRDF is helping rebuild houses. We saw a new house, a house in progress, and a house just going up. I crossed a think plank bridge to visit some of the families in the village. I am lucky I didn't fall into the brook of muddy water. I waiting until eveyone else was off the planks.

We met a quiet man who watched some men building his new house. He lived next to his brother, in whose house he was staying. He showed us where the water rose on his brother's house, still visible by a watermark. We then visited a new house. People seemed thrilled to see us. There was a genuine sense of "moving on" and of being happy to be alive. Considering the considerable misery and suffering everyone in this part of the country went through, it's amazing to see people happy to greet strangers and share things with them. Our villager hosts cut open coconuts for us. One woman showed me her house--a two-story house that's rare in a village with dirt roads. She also proudly showed me her high water mark in her house.

After we drank our coconut milk, we were on our way. The shells are not discarded. Coconuts are wholly used, and the husks get turned into paper and other durable goods.

Click here to see the villagers and the houses.

Posted: Sun - March 20, 2005 at 03:08 PM        
