Tonight I went to a quartet of readings at The Center's In Our Own Write program, and consequently met two people that will be involved in my National Coming Out Day idea. Not too ironically, I still have not heard back from the HRC, which is fine, since I am pretty turned off by them in general. If they care about New York City, which they don't seem to with their endorsement of Al D'Amato, they ought to be a little more responsive.
Well, the readings were very good. In general, a good evening. So what's my complaint? Well, where are the police downtown, especially between the Seventh Avenue IRT and the Center's temporary quarters on One Little West 12th Street? This is where a lot of gay bashings can happen. Yet I never seem to see too many cops on the streets of the Village or Chelsea. Yet I see tons of them around Midtown. And way too many when there are demonstrations. No shortage there.
So, Mayor Giuliani, protect and serve someone other than yourself.
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