Contrary to popular belief, I am not just spinning my wheels and just writing about myself. Today I had a second interview for my story on volunteering in LGBT New York. I went over to GMHC, which is conveniently located a hundred paces from my office. It's the first really big snow of the year, as far as I am concerned. It's not real until I am inconvenienced, you see.
It's all about me. Me me me me me!
So I met with three folks over at GMHC. I got a lot of interesting information out of them. It was also a good reminder of how out of touch I am with the community. I don't want to give away too much of my story before it is published in LGNY, but I think it is not giving too much away to reveal a few of the things I learned. AIDS is no longer seen as a crisis. It's seen as a chronic, manageable thing. This has led to a lot less urgency, and for people looking to volunteer, GMHC is finding it difficult to find volunteers like they used to.
And I learned a lot of other things, including this: More than a few of the original six men who founded GMHC are still alive. If that's not inspirational, what is?
But that's enough of that. You will all have to read my byline article later.
Now, move on to the latter part of my day....
Next entry... Customer Disservice
Previous entry... Life Out Loud