17-18 February 1999: Is It Is or Is It Ain't Homophobia?

My theory on homophobia and misogyny being deeply linked? It seems more and more clear with each month that passes. On Nightline there was a very frightening report on state of women in various third world nations like Pakistan. It's frightening that women don't have the opportunity or learn to read, or feel a sense of community with other woemn, until they wind up in jails for committing the horrible crime of marrying someone they love, or reporting spousal abuse. What's truly frightening is that so many women in the world believe the nonsense and buy into it.

So homophobia is not so hard to understand when you see how horribly women are treated here at home and worldwide. If men subjugate women so fiercely, why on Earth would they care about the rights of men who engage in "female" behaviour (e.g., cross dressing or simply loving another man) or women who reject men completely?

Well, I saw Cruel Intentions and I would've walked out on it and demanded a refund if it had not been a studio preview. At least three basic fag jokes in the first half hour. I've had about as much of that as I can stand. In a week when a California teen was hunted down by his classmates and had the word "fag" scrawled into his body more than once, I have had it with Hollywood marketing movies to teens that contain casual homophobic remarks. Read my scathing review if you like, by clicking here.

The next day I happened upon the Keith Haring Website and I was a bit disappointed to find it was lacking. It seems like the Haring Estate is really marketing it to kids and while they have an obligatory activism area with his artwork concerning gay/AIDS/other politics, it really felt like they minimized his being gay and having died of AIDS. Maybe I need to poke around some more, but that's what it felt like. And mind you, I am sure they are making a huge profit on the dead man's works, as he was quite prolific..

Meanwhile, I met my delightful Israeli penpal for dinner this evening. I gave him a tour of gay New York. Everything a visitor should see. A Different Light and Oscar Wilde Memorial Book Store. Stonewall. Christopher Street and the Piers. Stacks of free newspapers the gay community seems to just have on hand all over the place down in the Village.

Michael is actually from Manchester originally, and apparently, Jane Harrocks is from an area nearby, which might account for Michael sounding a bit like Bubble, except that he's not an idiot, and his voice is not quite so high. But he does speak in the same cadence and intonation.

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