Tonight I went home to my folks' for dinner. My oldest friend in the world, Jeff, was the guest of honor. He's the original friend, my first ally. I have known Jeff since 1968.
What surprises me is what a bad memory Jeff has, or just how good mine is. It's astounding what I remember. It's difficult sometimes, having so much information at the ready, and remembering things I don't want to remember.
I am not so sure if I am astounded or envious. Jeff seems pretty happy most of the time. He's spontaneous and genuine. I feel so premeditated and ponderous sometimes. I still feel genuine, but sometimes I wish I could be more like others and just crawl into a bubble and ignore life's badnesses.
But, the price of freedom is vigilance, and I guess vigilance I what I do best. Too bad it goes unappreciated.
Meanwhile, that white surpremecist in Texas, who dragged a black man to his death by chaining him to his truck, was sentenced to death. He was unrepentent, and spit invectives at the jury and the victim's family when he left the courthouse. He also quoted a neo-Nazi, saying something about "not being allowed to live proudly, he will die proudly." He's also claiming his innocence.
This is the first time in Texas history that a white man's been sentenced to death for killing a black man. While I am against the death penalty, even I can see that by Texan standards, this is progress.
The other problem with vigilance is that you now only have to remember what you have gone through, but also what's happened in history. Social phenomena follow patterns. It's important to know what's gone on before us, but it takes a lot of work, and it's not an effort everyone has time for.
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