First day in our new offices, four flights up from our old offices. Unfortunately, they are not finished with our offices yet. Plus, things are rather small. The cubcicle scheme brings the words "egg carton" to mind.
We are now in reduced circumstances. We have been reduced to thru-pence. Those who had offices often don't. The managers who had doors, don't. Poor Maggie has all there things in boxes because someone in the move locked her desk and she has never had a key. It's a bloody outrage.
Meanwhile, some people are running around like they were just given unlimited totalitarian powers. Lots of yelling and screaming and with work still going on, it's a real pleasure to be in the office.
I stayed late so I could get myself set up somewhat. Hang pictures, etc. Having three and a half cube walls is oddly comforting. Having a 6-foot-square space means they cannot put someone in there with me one day.
Things could be worse, but still, it's reduced circumstances.
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