I called the newspaper office and when I asked Troy a question, he said immediately, "Of course not Marylou." One day I am Zest. Another I am Marylou. I'm developing a complex. Am I Seth? Am I Zest? Nellie? Marylou? Maggie noticed that I am referring to myself in the female a lot more than I used to. Namely, "Was I being a bitch?" and "I am off to the ladies' room." It will make a great story one day.
I went to go see the gay thriller Hard. Oof. Not good. Let's just say that B-movie is a B-movie. Bad writing, bad acting, bad movie.
But the major event of the day was reading just how low Mayor Giuliani's approval rating is. Down from 73% to 40% since February. Of course he's defiant and still thinks he's a 73% in terms of leadership. What percentage does he score for reality consciousness.
So today's Ha-Ha is on the Mayor. He still staunchly defends the police with complete blindness. But the public that elected him is going south.
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