Well, it's come to this: Even I must comment on the weather extensively. July 1999 in New York, it turns out, was the hottest and the dryest on record. Only a half-inch of rain and relentless days of 90+ degrees in a row. To hype it further, the media is calling it not just a heatwave, but a Ring of Fire! -- as there is a cool front circling a hot front, or vice versa, or something.
Damn, it's hot out.
Luckily, my new air conditioner is working. I almost don't care if it's killing the ozone. When I am home, in subway cars, or movies, it's nice and chilly. The moment I step outside, though, it's hot as hell and I am covered in a thin gelatine of sweat. I feel like I am back in Paris...
None of this can be any good for my complexion.
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