I was out sick yesterday, and I paid for that dearly by being micro-managed within an inch of my sanity. Luckily, there is an end to the workday. I went up to meet A at Barnes & Noble at Lincoln Square, since it's air conditioned. Thanks to careful marketing, I wound up buying a copy of a book with a title like The Bride's Guide to Emotional Survival. No, silly, I am not getting married, but thanks for asking. Maggie, my former co-worker, told me about some bridesmaid dress problems she was having, and that she was turning into the one thing she didn't want to become: Bridezilla.
So I bought this book for her on the spot, as the book clearly stated it would be the perfect shower gift. Now I have not been invited to a shower, ever, but Maggie's mother was wondering whether or not I should be invited. It's nice that someone's actually considered it.
A and I went to Ollie's for dinner. I had General Tso's chicken, which turned my stomach into a ring of fire, but in a good way. It's their best dish, if you ask me. But last time A went to Ollie's, her mother passed out from food poisoning. We went to see Arlington Road, which I really liked. It had an atypical ending, which led to the kids behind us to exclaim, "That's it!? That's the ending? That shit's whack."
American's like to have all the loose ends tied up, and cannot deal with less-than-happy endings. What I liked about the movie most was how it challenged the idea of safety, and discussed the police's usual method of declaring a culprit and declaring he acted alone, like in the nail-bombing of the Admiral Duncan in London, or the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
What else did I learn today? Well, I like the Mambo. We went to Pottery Barn and they were playing Mambo the whole time. Turns out Pottery Barn puts out CDs and one was Margarita Mix. I was wiggling involuntarily all over the store.
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