Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 17:18:25 -0400 (EDT)
Hi everyone,
Well, many of your are already aware of this truly horrendous gaybashing murder, and I am sure many of you are as sick over it as I am. A friend of mine who does research compiled this and passed it along to me. It's every major news account worldwide about the murder.
Reading through it, you will see the same details over and over, but for me, the repetition has failed to diminish any of the anger and revulsion I am feeling about this right now.
So what is my point? Well, if it prompts any extra activism in any of you, good. If you needed some prodding to go out and beat a drum for the cause, even if it means perhaps having to have one semi-unpleasant conversation with someone to stand up for your rights, good. Some of you already do that and some of you, whom I might not know as well, might not; so don't be offended. Basically, I find the NYC gay political scene completely staid. Not one vigil has taken place here, that I am aware of. That's a very sad state of affairs. So I am looking into being a lot more politically active starting now. And if I can impart a sense of that to any of you (except Mike out in Kansas--he's more political than most of us combined!), good. Even if it means opening a checkbook or writing a letter to a lawmaker in your corner of the world, good. Whatever your level of activism, just raise it a notch that is comfortable for you. There is no way we couldn't all benefit from raising the volume, however slightly.
Meanwhile, over at Wired Strategies/Mathhew Shepard Resources I just read that that asshole, the Rev. Phelps of Topeka, KS, is planning to picket the funeral. Can you believe this audacity? If ever there was a time for a second Stonewall, this seems like the set-up. Fred Phelps is a known evil for having picketed the funerals of gay men who have died of AIDS. This pretty much sums up what a hateful person he is. It all defies logic and reason how people like this actually think God is going to be welcoming them on the other side.
If you feel like passing this along to any and all people you know, good. If there is one chain letter I want to see heading back to me, it's one like this.
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