Panix, New York's First
Internet Service Provider


Internet Access

Do you need Internet access through PANIX?
If Yes:
For how many people? [1-4 ] [5-15 ] [16-50 ] [51-100 ]

Do you need a fast connection to the internet, or would you be fine with a slow one?

Is your office already networked internally?

Do you want access to a UNIX system for each user?


Do you need a Webserver?
If Yes:
Will you need cgi programs?

Will you transfer more than 10 Gigs per month, or store more than 100MB of files on your website?

Will you need to integrate an existing database into your site?

Do you plan to do eCommerce on your site?


Have you already registered a domain?

Mail Service

Do you want to run your own mailserver, or have PANIX handle your mail?

© Copyright 1998, Public Access Networks Corporation | Last updated Friday, September 11, 1998