

Phase I: Definition of Objectives

InterComm will meet with the client to determine the scope of the project, an ideal target audience, and discuss the overall concept for the site, while careful to consider any special characteristics and prevalent business rules. Once the critical discovery session has been completed, InterComm will draft a detailed proposal delineating possibilities and options in meeting or exceeding the client's needs. After discussing the various options and fixing the feature sets with the client, a contract is drafted and signed. Following this, a timeline for deliverables is plotted, and work can commence.

Phase II: Site Architecture

InterComm works with closely with the client’s representatives, defining, collating and aggregating all of the information to be offered to their clientele. Based on the business parameters, we ascertain the best way to present the material, link sections together and create a workable flow that eases site navigation. At the same time, our creative team begins work on the navigational graphics that also ease movement through the site. Database programming is performed  to drive all desired functions, and graphical design is merged with the above processes to achieve an overall framework.

Phase III: Graphic Design

The graphical interface is the tone and the feel of the site. Our design team applies unique design attributes and customized navigational graphics that a imbue a unique spirit to the otherwise inanimate hull. Taking care to add just the righting nuances from the "real world", our artists then perform an initial unveiling, allowing our clients an opportunity to survey what is being done, to provide additional direction and verify that the desired impact is attained. With extensive graphical and multimedia experience, our design team will skillfully commute the personality of the client to the web.

Phase IV: Programming & Quality Assurance

Using the most advanced technology and features available in database and multimedia programming to fulfill even the most complex and arduous tasks with efficiency and finesse, our staff routinely perform tasks and deliver features that our so-called ‘competitors’ can’t fathom, let alone attempt. While elements like these are our claim to fame, our speciality is in being attentive to the common-sense aspects of sound structure and streamlined performance. Working with our designers, our programming staff meshes key technologies in database information retrieval and media-rich content presentation through customized applications to create custom sites which, when integrated with existing business procedures, systematically result in an Internet Commerce Solution that exceeds expectations in both performance and customer satisfaction.

Phase V: Completion and Deployment

Following completion of a project, the customer is Informed of the completion status, and asked to review the net result in an online test site to determine that all aspects of the contract have been met. After sign-off is obtained, the site is promoted to live status and made accessible to the general public. In addition, the marketing and support team members are assigned to fulfill ongoing customer requests. Utilizing our in-depth experience with both traditional and new media marketing techniques and technical writing we can help ensure effective market penetration for your new online business presence. 

Please contact us through our website to get your company or idea hopping down the road to Internet business. à

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