Panix, New York's First
Internet Service Provider

Corporate Services Sign-up & Domain-Name Registration Form

Follow the links for help on any part of this form you have questions about.

Organization Using Domain Name
Organization Name:
Street Address:
City, State, & Zip   
Administrative Contact
NIC Handle (if known):
Name (Last,First): (individual or role?)
Organization Name:
Street Address:
City, State, & Zip   
Phone Number
Fax Number    optional
Billing Contact
If identical to Admin Contact, check this box and skip the rest of this section:
NIC Handle (if known)
Name (Last, First): (individual or role?)
Organization Name:
Street Address:
City, State, & Zip   
Phone Number
Fax Number    optional

A domain name registration fee of $70.00 US is applicable and not covered by the Panix set-up fee. This charge will cover the $35.00 maintenance fee for two (2) years and should be paid directly to the InterNIC (Network Solutions, Inc.). After the first 2 years, the InterNIC will charge $35.00 per year to renew the domain name.

Mail a copy of my form to:

© Copyright 1998, Public Access Networks Corporation | Last updated Tuesday, July 28, 1998