Panix, New York's First
Internet Service Provider

Corporate Services Sign-up & Domain-Name Registration Form

This form is to be used only after Panix has consented to providing service for the proposed domain. Do not use this form to register any domains without our consent.

Fill in the form below to register your domain and sign up for service with Panix. Use the radio buttons to indicate which service you want.

If you have questions about any of our services, click on the appropriate link to see a description.

  1. Are you creating a new domain or using a domain you've already registered?

       Doman Name:

  2. Panix Maintenance Account:
       If you do not have a maintenance account, please call us for one at (212)741-440 x8901.

  3. Level of Service from Panix -- select only one: [Complete index of Panix services]

    Corp-Web: Basic Package
    Corp-Web: Multi-Site add-on
    Corp-Web: Multi-Domain add-on
    Corp-Web: Dedicated Web Server
    Corp-Web: Additional site hosted on my existing dedicated web server. Reference:
    Forwarded Domain
    Reserve Domain
    Corp-IP: 28.8 - 56k modem dialup
    Corp-IP: 56K frame-relay
    Corp-IP: On-Demand ISDN
    Corp-IP: Dedicated ISDN
    Corp-IP: T1
    Server Colocation

  4. How you learned about Panix:

  5. Billing Period:

  6. If you would like correspondance to be sent to an account other than your maintnenance account, please specify it in the field below. Otherwise, leave it blank.

© Copyright 1998, Public Access Networks Corporation | Last updated Tuesday, October 20, 1998