Panix, New York's First
Internet Service Provider
Service Provisioning Order


Installation Information
Installation company name:
Street address:
City, State, Zip: , -
Main phone number at site: ( ) - (This phone must be a landline phone terminating at site)
Site contact name (for inside wiring):
Site contact phone number:
Site type
If residence, is it a rental or part of a homeowners association? No  Yes (Letter of Agency required for installation)
Does Contractor need proof of insurance to enter premises? No  Yes (Letter of Agency required for installation)
Preferred installation (*Surcharge applies)
Mo-Fr: Before 8* 8-12* 10-2* 1-5* After 5*
Saturday: Before 8* 8-12* 10-2* 1-5* After 5*
Sunday: Before 8* 8-12* 10-2* 1-5* After 5*
Additional information (e.g. access, limitations, special instructions):


Order Information
Order type:
Promotion (if applicable)

For adds and conversions:

Desired speed:
Minimum acceptable speed:
Service term
Intended CPE
PVC Requirement

For conversion of existing telephone line:

Phone no. of line to be converted:

For speed changes, disconnections, or moves:

DSL Access Device serial number:

For speed changes:

From to


Your Information
Your company name:
Provisioning contact name:
List two ways to communicate with the provisioning contact:
Technical contact name:
List two ways to communicate with the technical contact:
Days and hours of availability:


Unfortunately orders we receive after 2:30 pm PT won't make the phone company cutoff time and will be processed on the following day.

Problems with this form? Suggestions on how to improve this form? Please email the Formmaster

Form last updated on 17 Sep 1998 19:28:17 -0700

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