Harlem Business Incubator Fact Sheet
October 11, 1995
$5 million total capital budget
- $4 million secured in FY 96 New York City capital grants including $294,000 committed by the Manhattan Borough President
- $300,000 secured in pre-development grants and investments by HRP from private, foundation, Federal, and State sources and HRP revenues
- Proposed $750,000 Empowerment Zone contribution
Detailed feasibility study prepared by Steven M. Schwartz, Inc.
- Architectural and engineering feasibility study
- Financial analysis
- Market research and analysis
- Funded by UDC
Tenant rents at $8 per square foot on average
- Significantly below Harlem rental market
- Shortage of suitable small space in Harlem
- Other subsidies built-in, including property tax abatements, utility cost reductions and benefits of shared services and facilities
The incubator is designed to serve both light manufacturing and office users
- Market research reveals demand from both sectors
- Manufacturing creates more high paying jobs and economic multipliers, but fewer new manufacturing businesses in Harlem
- Market focus on construction-related, garment, and craft-related industries, as well as service and high tech businesses
Model Incubator units of 1,500 square feet
- Each unit can be shared by two or more businesses
- Up to three units can be combined for a single business
- Each unit will have its own entrance, sink, ventilation system, electric submeter and basic finishes
The incubator will be operational 18 months from the commitment of the last funding
- Project approved through ULURP including Community Board 9
- Environmental review and mediation completed
- EDC prepared funding and leasing documents and is ready to disburse first funds
- 6 month design process, 12 month construction process
Tenant selection will involve community input and be based on applicants meeting more than one of the following criteria
- Businesses owned by Harlem residents
- Businesses which create high numbers of jobs for Harlem residents
- Businesses which exhibit immediate growth potential
- Businesses serving Harlem residents and businesses
Tenant outreach to commence on securing final funding
- Tenant outreach and marketing will commence once the project is in final design
- Funding secured for outreach and marketing from HUD John Heinz grant
- The outreach and marketing plan calls for strong linkage with other EZ and Harlem-based organizations including TAP centers, State Employment Office and BMCC Small Contractor Assistance Program
The Incubator will help create 250 new jobs in the first phase alone
- 50 construction jobs
- 256 permanent jobs
- Expansion space for HRP offices and thrift stores will lead to additional employment
- All hiring for Incubator management, construction and tenant hiring will emphasize hiring Harlem residents
The Incubator has received substantial private sector support
- $57,000 in direct cash grants
- Substantial in-kind support including donations of furniture, copying services and other items
- Pledges of support for Incubator in operation
The Architectural team has been selected and is ready to commence the design of the Incubator
- The team, comprising Roberta Washington Architects and Kapell and Kostow Architects, was selected through a competitive process