Medieval/Fantasy Weapons for Fudge

By Christopher Jones (
From: FIST-Full of Fudge : A Playtest Journal
This page last updated March 6, 1996.

Mr. Jones has granted permission to post this.
He would like feedback at the above address if you feel inclined to give it to him!

Weapon: the common name of the weapon.
Damage: damage inflicted, cumulative in most cases: so +1 size/+1 sharp is basically +2.
Size: how large the weapon is.
Hands: the minimum number of hands needed to wield the weapon.
Type: the type of damage/wound inflicted (this will become more important when the armor list is posted), multiple types means the wielder has a choice.
Weapon         Damage            Size           Hands     Type
 Battle        +2 size/+1 sharp  large          one       Slash
 Double-Bladed +3 size/+1 sharp  very large     two       Slash
 Great         +3 size/+1 sharp  large          two       Slash
 Hatchet       +1 sharp          small          one       Slash
 Hand          +1 size/+1 sharp  small/medium   one       Slash
 Throwing      +1 sharp          small          one       Slash

 Arctic        +1 sharp          medium         two       Pierce
 Desert        +1 sharp          medium         two       Pierce
 Eldritch      +1 str/+1 sharp   large          two       Pierce
 Great         +1 str/+1 sharp   very large     two       Pierce
 Long          +1 sharp          large          two       Pierce
 Short         +1 sharp          medium/large   two       Pierce

 Club          +1 size           medium         one       Crush
 Cudgel        +1 size           small/medium   one       Crush
 Great         +3 size           large          two       Crush
 Morningstar   +2 size/+1 sharp  large          one       Pierce

 Hand          +1 sharp          small          one       Pierce
 Heavy         +1 str/+1 sharp   large          two       Pierce
 Light         +1 sharp          medium         two       Pierce

  Fighting-common   +1 sharp       small          one       S/P
  Fighting-Gardun   +1 sharp       small          one       S/P
  Throwing          +1 sharp       small          one       Pierce
 Knife              +1 sharp       small          one       S/P
 Main-Gauche        +1 sharp       small          one       Slash
 Stiletto           +1 sharp       small          one       Pierce

 Ball and Chain  +1 size           medium         one       Crush
  Bi-            +2 size           medium         one       Crush
  Tri-           +3 size           large          one       Crush
 Flail           +1 size           medium         one       Crush
 Horseman's      +1 size           medium         one       Crush
 Star and Chain  +1 size/+1 sharp  medium         one       Crush
  Bi-            +1 size/+1 sharp  medium         one       Crush
  Tri-           +2 size/+1 sharp  large          one       Crush
 War Flail       +3 size           very large     two       Crush

 Hammer        +1 size             small          one       Crush
 Horseman's    +1 size             small/medium   one       Crush
 Maul          +2 size             medium/large   two       Crush
 War           +1 size             medium         one       Crush

 Heavy         +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Pierce
 Light         +2 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Pierce
 Medium        +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Pierce

 Great         +3 size             very large     two       Crush
 Heavy         +2 size             large          one       Crush
 Horseman's    +1 size             medium         one       Crush
 Light         +1 size             medium         one       Crush

 Footman's     +2 size/+1 sharp    medium         two       Pierce
 Horseman's    +1 size/+1 sharp    medium         one       Pierce
 Military      +2 size/+1 sharp    medium         one       Pierce

Pole Arms
 Bardiche      +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Slash
 Bec de Corbin +2 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Pierce
 Bill-Guisarme +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       S/P
 Double Moon   +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Slash
 Fauchard      +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Slash
 Fauchard-Fork +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       S/P
 Glaive        +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       S/P
 Glaive-Guisarme +3 size/+1 sharp  very large     two       S/P
 Guisarme      +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Slash
 Guisarme-Voulge +3 size/+1 sharp  very large     two       Slash
 Halbard       +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       S/P
 Hook-Fauchard +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Slash
 Lucern Hammer +2 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Pierce
 Military Fork +2 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Pierce
 Partisan      +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Pierce
 Pike          +2 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Pierce
 Ranseur       +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Pierce
 Scythe        +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       S/P
 Spetum        +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Pierce
 Voulge        +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Slash

 Lantern       +2 size/+1 sharp    large          one       S/P
 Spiked Buckler +1 size/+1 sharp   medium         one       Pierce
 Sword         +2 size/+1 sharp    medium/large   one       Pierce

 Harpoon       +1 size/+1 sharp    medium         one/two   Pierce
 Javelin       +1 size/+1 sharp    medium         one       Pierce
 Pilum         +1 size/+1 sharp    medium         one       Pierce
 Spear         +2 size/+1 sharp    large          one/two   Pierce
 Trident       +3 size/+1 sharp    large          one/two   Pierce

 Battle        +2 size             large          two       Crush
 Iron          +3 size             large          two       Crush
 Quarter       +2 size             large          two       Crush
 Sling         +1 size/+0 size     large          two       Crush

 Bastard                           large          one/two   Slash
  One-Handed   +2 size/+1 sharp
  Two-Handed   +3 size/+1 sharp
 Broad         +2 size/+1 sharp    medium/large   one       Slash
 Claymore      +3 size/+1 sharp    large          two       Slash
 Cutlass       +2 size/+1 sharp    medium         one       Slash
 Gladius       +1 size/+1 sharp    medium         one       Pierce
 Long          +2 size/+1 sharp    medium         one       S/P
 Rapier        +1 size/+1 sharp    medium         one       Pierce
 Sabre         +2 size/+1 sharp    medium         one       Slash
 Scimitar      +2 size/+1 sharp    medium         one       Slash
 Short         +1 size/+1 sharp    medium         one       S/P
 Tharkune Blade +2 size/+1 sharp   medium         one       Slash
 Tulwar        +1 size/+1 sharp    medium         one       Slash
 Two-Handed    +3 size/+1 sharp    very large     two       Slash
 Warblade      +3 size/+1 sharp    large          one/two   Slash

 Scourge       +1 sharp            small/medium   one       Slash
 Whip          +1 size             medium         one       (Crush)

Other Melee
 Adarga        +2 size/+1 sharp    medium         one       S/P
 Caltrop       +1 sharp            tiny           one       Pierce
 Cestus        +1 sharp            small          one       Slash
 Chain         +1 size             medium         one       Crush
 Claws-large   +1 sharp            small          one       Slash
 Claws-small   +0 sharp            small          one       Slash
 Lasso         special             medium         two       special
 Sap           +0 size             small          one       Crush
 Sickle        +1 size/+1 sharp    medium         one       Slash
 Spiked Gloves +0 sharp            small          one       Pierce

Other Missile
 Blowgun                           medium         two       Pierce
  Barbed Dart  +0 sharp
  Needle       +0 sharp
 Bola          +1 size/special     small/medium   one       Crush
 Boomerang     +1 size             small/medium   one       Crush
 Dart          +0 sharp            small          one       Pierce
 Net           special             large          two       special
 Sling         +1 strength         small/medium   one       Crush
  Iron         +0 sharp            small          one       Pierce
  Ring         +0 sharp            small          one       Slash
  Spiral       +1 sharp            small          one       Slash
  Star         +0 sharp            small          one       Pierce
Note: Weapons referred to as Eldritch, Tharkune, and Gardun are race-specific, and will rarely be found in the possession of others.

Except as noted in the Fudge Disclaimer...FIST-Full of Fudge is (c) copyright January 1996, by Christopher Steven Jones, All Rights Reserved.