Fudge Usagi Yojimbo Character: Fuhito

Copyright 1998 by Steffan O'Sullivan
This page last updated February 28, 1998

----Fudge Character Sheet---------    Character Name: Fuhito
|               Defaults:   | EP |    Genre: Usagi Yojimbo
| +3 Superb                 | 8  |    Species/Job: Serpent Monk
| +2 Great                  | 4  |    Player:
| +1 Good                   | 2  |    Date Created: February 28, 1998
| +0 Fair ..... Attributes  | 1  |    Unspent EP:
| -1 Mediocre               | 1  |    Fudge Points: 2
| -2 Poor ..... Most Skills | 1  |    Character Story & Personality:
| -3 Terrible               | 1  |    
| Most Gifts and some Skills are |    
|  non-existent unless specified |    
|  on the character sheet.       |    
| EP = Raising skills to that    |    
|   level with Experience Points |    

             1,2        3,4         5,6          7,8           9+
Wounds:    Scratch      Hurt     Very Hurt     Incapac.     Nr. Death
           O  O  O       O           O             O             O

   Attributes:         |        Gifts:             |        Skills:
Mental - - -  Great    |  Speed of the Serpent     |  Polearms (Bo)     Good
Focus  - - -  Great    |  Wisdom                   |  Jujutsu          Great
                       |                           |  Evade             Good
Movement - -  Good     |  Status: Monk             |  
Agility - - - Mediocre |                           |  Artistry          Good
Physical  - - Fair     |                           |  Climbing      Mediocre
                       |                           |  Etiquette        Great
                       |                           |
-----------------------|                           |  Move Quietly     Great
    Equipment:         |                           |  Perception        Good
-----------------------|                           |  Persuasion        Good
Bo                     |                           |  
                       |                           |  Theology         Great
                       |                           |  Throw         Mediocre
                       |        Faults:            |  
Cloak, Change of       |---------------------------|  
       Clothes         |  Sense of Duty to your    |
                       |     Companions            |
Belt Pouch             |  Cannot use a bow or gun  |  
                       |  Very uncomfortable doing |   
                       |    anything illegal       |
                       |  Very poor liar           |
                       |  Lack of hands limiting   |
                       |                           |
                       |                           |
                       |                           |
                       |                           |
                       |                           |
                       |                           |

Go to Sashi, a Rabbit Messenger
Go to Haraji, a Dog Retainer
Go to Kumpei, a Rhino Bounty Hunter
Go to Mokato, a Pig Shugyosha
Go to Fumiji, a Fox Gambler
Go to Kobi, a Cat Ninja
Go to Kogataro, a Bear Bodyguard

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