Summerstage, Central Park (NYC)
Todd Smith Memorial.
TLA, Philadelphia. November 1995
On tour w/Bob Dylan
All four of these "reviews" were really just a part of a larger conversation going on about Patti's tour. They're not "proper" reviews. Hence some of the information may seem confusing.The conversation was taking place on babel-list, an extremely cool Patti Smith mailing list.
Irving Plaza, NYC
June 21 & 22, 1996
Summerstage, Central Park (NYC)
September 5, 1996
9:30 Club, Washington DC
January 2 & 3, 1997
Arts Fair, Hoboken, NJ
May 4, 1997
Tibetan Freedom Concert, Randall's Island, NYC
June 7, 1997
Copyright © Anthony J. Rzepela 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997