Before we start, let me get this out of the way:
the two old guys in the balcony are Statler and Waldorf.
We also have a humble request: If someone posts a question that is answered here, please be polite anyway. Yelling to read the FAQ gets to be more annoying that answering the question that was asked.
Contents | Quick Answer |
I. Administrivia | |
A friendly newsgroup | |
Muppetzine | | or or | |
II. Muppets and their owners | |
Puppets, but different | |
| Because performers aren't |
No | |
Brian Henson | |
| 117 E. 69th Street New York, NY 10021 |
III. The Muppet Show and its cast | |
Statler and Waldorf | |
Unlcear | |
Human | |
He's been retired | |
Mahna Mahna :-) | |
IV. Muppets Tonight! and its cast | |
On ABC, occasionally | |
Steve Whitmire | |
Human, prawn and mink in that order | |
V. Sesame Street | |
NO | |
No evidence either way | |
Not gonna happen | |
VI. Things available on the net | |
Lew Zealand? Uncle Deadly? | |
Big list of all performers | |
Lists: SS TMS MT! FR Dino | |
Lists: SS TMS | |
Probably nowhere | |
A lot, but some are out of print | |
The Encheferizer bork bork bork | |
All over the web | |
VII. Now Showing | |
MT! and others |
It's a newsgroup devoted to Muppets, in all their wonderful shapes and forms. We talk about Muppets in cartoons, movies, television shows, happy meal boxes, you name it. While not emphasized in this FAQ, we often talk about _The Dark Crystal_, _Labyrinth_, "Fraggle Rock," "Dinosaurs," and other Henson productions on this newsgroup. We do not really discuss puppets or puppetry in general; rec.arts.puppetry is more appropriate for this.
While "Sesame Street" would not be the same without the Muppets, there is more to "Sesame Street" then just the Muppets. If you want to talk about extra-Muppet parts of "Sesame Street," consider
And if you are feeling terribly silly, there's always alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork.
If you're in New York City, The Museum of Television and Radio has a huge collection of Muppet programs for viewing. These includes rare Muppet clips that, no matter how big a Muppet fan you are, you've never seen before! The address is 25 West 52nd St, New York, 10019, and the phone number is (212) 621-6600.
No matter where you are, you can subscribe to MuppetZine, a quarterly fanzine devoted to the Muppets and Jim Henson. It is run by Danny Horn, whom you can contact at Also take a look at the MuppetZine web page, at
If you want to get involved with a Muppet fan group or start your own, Danny is again the person to talk to.
Comments (but please, no thugs!) should go to
We welcome, and indeed relish, comments. Please do not take offense if replies to your inquiries are tardy.
Muppets are puppets invented by Jim Henson and his colleagues. Muppets were specially designed to be on television and in the movies, using camera techniques as well as classical puppeteering techniques to create the illusion of life. The name "Muppet" comes from a combination of the words "marionette" and "puppet," and many of the puppets are hand puppets with arm-wires operated much like marionettes' limbs. However, many Muppets now include the most advanced computer and animatronics technology. For the purposes of this newsgroup, "Muppet" means anything that has been created by Jim Henson Productions or the Creature Shop, including creations in "Muppets Tonight!," "The Muppet Show," "Sesame Street," "Fraggle Rock," "Dinosaurs," _The Dark Crystal_, and _Labyrinth_.
You may have noticed that Muppets, particularly Muppet musicians, tend to do everything with their left arms. This is because most Muppet performers are right handed and use their primary hand to control the head and face of the Muppet. This leaves them their left hand to control the Muppet's arms. The Swedish Chef, which is controlled by two performers, is an exception that proves the rule.
No. In the fall of 1989, the Walt Disney Company entered into negotiations to acquire Jim Henson Productions and the Muppets. While the deal was being worked out, Jim Henson created a 3-D film for Walt Disney World, "MuppetVision 3-D," and a TV special, "The Muppets at Walt Disney World." Henson was initially excited about working with Disney -- particularly because its deep pockets could finance the projects he wanted to do -- but as negotiations progressed, differences in Disney's and Henson's management styles became clearer. Jim Henson died in May 1990, before the deal was completed, and Disney lowered their offering price as a consequence (the original deal had included Henson's "creative services"). Eventually the deal was called off. Jim Henson Productions is still a completely independent entity, and Disney has no creative control over the Muppets.
However, JHP and Disney do sometimes work together; for example, Buena Vista Home Video (a Disney subsidiary) distributes the Jim Henson Video line, and Disney distributes the Muppet films. These are short-term deals and don't mean that Disney "owns" the Muppets.
Jim's son Brian Henson inherited the CEO position at Jim Henson Productions. Brian has done some puppet work with the Muppets, including Dog on "The Storyteller" and Hoggle in _Labyrinth_, but he never performed any major Classic Muppet characters. He directed _The Muppet Christmas Carol_ and _Muppet Treasure Island_ and performs some new characters on "Muppets Tonight!" These characters, including Sal and Seymour, are quickly becoming favorites, which is nice to see.
117 E. 69th Street
New York, NY 10021
Note that this is an office building and is not open for tours.
Statler and Waldorf. Statler is the taller, thinner one sitting on the right as we look at them in their box. Waldorf's wife is named Astoria. They are all named after old New York hotels.
There has been no definitive comment on what Gonzo is.
The only thing we can say with certainty is that he is Gonzo the Great.
Scooter's a human (like Statler, Waldorf, Bunsen Honeydew...). His uncle, J.P. Grosse, who owns the theatre, is clearly a human. He's called a "gofer," but that's his position, not his species ("gofer coffee," etc).
The performer who performed Scooter, Richard Hunt, died in 1992 of complications due to AIDS. In tribute, the character of Scooter was retired. He will not be brought back.
11. What's the best ever Muppet sketch?
It's this new show, see, on ABC. It was a mid-season replacement for the 1995-96 season, and it was a mid-summer replacement in the summer of 1996. Soon it will be a mid-season replacement for the 1996-97 season.
Not that we're biased, but "Muppets Tonight!" is *great*. We all love Bobo, and Johnny Fiama (possibly Fiamma) and Sal, and Pepe and Seymour, and even Garth Brooks!
Steve Whitmire (whose other credits include Rizzo the Rat, Bean Bunny, and Wembley Fraggle -- he's been a major player since "The Muppet Show"). He has been performing Kermit since Jim Henson's death. He also performs Ernie. Brian Henson has never performed Kermit.
Whitmire's first Kermit performance was in the 1990 special "The Muppets Celebrate Jim Henson."
These have definitive answers, from the performers.
Clifford is a human: In the Billy Crystal episode, Clifford says to Rizzo, "I'm the man and you're the rat. I've got genetic seniority." In early press releases for "Muppets Tonight!" he was referred to as "Clifford the Rasta," but that's his religious affiliation, not his species. In the Garth Brooks episode, Kermit calls Clifford "Catfish-faced" but never actually calls him a catfish. Which is good, because he isn't one.
Pepe is a Prawn.
Nigel's buddy (that's the Nigel who says "Cue!" not the conductor from "The Muppet Show") -- the one who pops out of the control panel during the opening sequence -- is a mink. trivia: Steve Whitmire contributed this answer during discussions of "Muppet Classic Theater" (in which the mink's head-banging performance in "Gotta Get That Name" stole the show for many of us). This was the first ever post of a Muppet performer to
No. No way, no how. No "Sesame Street" Muppet character is dead, dying, or planning to die. This is a rumor that has been circulating since Jim Henson died in 1990 -- people were afraid that since Henson died, the producers of "Sesame Street" were also going to make Ernie die on the show, so that children could learn about death (as they did when Will Lee, the actor who played Mr. Hooper, died). This rumor has since spread and mutated to include Bert, Grover, and other characters, and any number of diseases and fatal accidents. However, the producers have *no intention* of "killing" any character on "Sesame Street." Jim Henson's characters are kept alive on the show by rerunning sketches that were recorded in the first twenty years of the show, and new Ernie sketches are also being made with Steve Whitmire performing Ernie. Please help to stop this rumor when you hear it. Anyone who is afraid for the life of any character should be encouraged to actually watch an episode of "Sesame Street," where they will see Ernie, Bert, and all the gang, still alive and well.
This is a source of wide speculation, but nothing has ever been said on "Sesame Street" to indicate that Ernie and Bert have any sexual or romantic feelings at all. While we wouldn't want to suppress free speech on this newsgroup, beware: discussions on this topic have historically been ugly. Rest assured that your point of view has been stated before.
You would have to attribute a great deal of stupidity to PBS to have them canceling one of their most popular programs. While PBS funding is indeed being cut, "Sesame Street" would be among the last shows to go. If you see a petition claiming otherwise, ignore it. (This is a good rule of thumb for email petitions in general: since there is no way to control forgery or repetition of signatures in email petitions, they are universally ignored.)
This site has lists: Muppets from "The Muppet Show" and Muppets and humans from "Sesame Street." Compiled by Charles Evans, Bob Pedersen, Rueven William Goren, and others.
Answers to some particularly frequent ID requests:
Chris Vaughn and Sue Rose have put together an extensive list.
Believe it or not, there are episode guides for every "Muppet Show," "Fraggle Rock," "Dinosaurs," and "Muppets Tonight!" episode ever aired. In addition, there are descriptions of some of the Muppet skits from "Sesame Street."
The first site has Muppet songs, including Rainbow Connection, It's Not Easy Being Green, Just One Person, the theme from "The Muppet Show," and more!
The second site, compiled by Tiny Dancer, has "Sesame Street" songs. Besides all the songs you'd expect (Rubber Duckie, "Sesame Street" theme), it has many Frequently Asked Lyrics: the Alligator King, Captain Vegetable, I Don't Want to Live on the Moon, We All Live In A Capital I, etc.
The third site has even more lyrics, courtesy of Kevin Arthur.
There aren't many available, which is good because they are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without permission, even for private use. Sorry. :-(
The first link, Bill Sherman's muppography, is quite large and wonderful, but is not updated frequently. Luckily (perhaps) neither are the albums, CDs, CD-ROMS, videos, books, etc.
VIDEO: The second link has an amazingly large list of Muppet- related videos, collected by Jon Cooke.
A note on availability: _Muppets Take Manhattan_, though hard to find, is available on video through Tristar. Other Muppet movies, and some "Muppet Show" compilations, are also available. The Playhouse Video compilations, such as "Gonzo Presents Muppet Weird Stuff," are no longer being produced. Neither are "Dinosaurs" episodes or "Dog City" episodes. On the other hand, the world is currently swamped with "Sesame Street" videos.
ALBUMS: The last two links point to Ted Nesi's lists of "Sesame Street" and Muppet albums, respectively. Both have track lists.
The Muppets are currently "between" record companies -- they dropped Jim Henson Records/BMG Kidz, and rumor has it they are working on starting a new label, possibly this year. Therefore, the only Muppet album still in print is the "Muppet Treasure Island" soundtrack. "Sesame Street" albums are a dime a dozen.
BOOKS: Books we think are particularly neat: or
It's called the "Encheferizer."
Bill Sherman's page is the place to start. It's the closest thing there is to an "official" Muppets WWW page, and it has links to other pages. (Coverage of TV shows is particularly impressive: it's where you go if you want the ratings for the Jason Alexander episode of "Muppets Tonight!")
("Muppets Tonight!," occassionally on ABC, is once again on hiatus. "The Muppet Show" used to be on Nickelodeon but is no longer.)
As of October 1996: (All US times are Eastern)
United States
Great Britain (thanks to Stuart Lancaster)
Australia (thanks to CRIT)
The Netherlands (Thanks to Danny Sanders)
Does anyone know shows, stations, and times for other countries?