BTVS geek code

What a geek code is

A geek code is an ultra-abbreviated recital of your interests, likes, and dislikes. The fundamental, non-BTVS-related geek code is here.

There was an earlier BTVS geek code but it didn't cover the hot issues.

What BTVS is

The TV show Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. If you don't know what that is, you're definitely on the wrong page. Click here to go back to my top page.

The code itself


Code What it means
1+++ Season 1 was the best thing on TV ever
1++ Season 1 was great
1+ Season 1 was good
1- Season 1 was mediocre
1-- Season 1 was actually bad
1--- Season 1 stunk

(Similarly, use 2, 3, and 4 for seasons 2, 3, and 4)


Code What it means
B+++ Buffy is my idol
B++ Buffy is my favorite character
B+ I like Buffy
B? I didn't know there was any "Buffy" on BTVS
B- Buffy is boring
B-- Buffy is far too mopey
B--- Buffy is a disgrace. She totally squanders her gift of Slayerness
Code What it means
A+++ Angel is my idol
A++ Angel is my favorite character
A+ I like Angel
A? Who's Angel? When was he on BTVS?
A- Angel is boring
A-- Angel should not have made it past "Revelations"
A--- Buffy should have staked Angel in the first season

And similarly for...

Code Character
B Buffy
W Willow
X Xander
G Giles
O Oz
C Cordelia
A Angel
Ay Anya
R Riley
F Faith

Minor but noteworthy characters:

Code What it means
J++++ Let's set every episode in the _Superstar_-verse
J+++ Jonathan is god!
J++ Jonathan is my favorite character
J+ I consciously watch for Jonathan's appearances
J? Who's Jonathan?
J- I don't like Jonathan
J-- Enuff with this stupid running gag.
Code What it means
Dar+++ Darla was the best vamp ever
Dar++ Darla was one of the best vamps ever
Dar+ Yum.
Dar? Who's Darla?
Dar- Darla bored me
Dar-- I hated Darla
Code What it means
Amy+++ Bring Amy back now!
Amy++ I love Amy.
Amy+ I liked Amy, but now she just likes cheese.
Amy? Who's Amy?
Amy- Get over her, she's a rodent now.
Amy-- ...and it serves her rite!

'Shipping and slashing

Two characters' initials joined by an ampersand indicates that you ship or slash a specific relationship (for plusses), or loathe it (for minusses).

For instance, using Oz and Willow as an example, it goes like this:

Code What it means
O&W++ Oz and Willow must be together
O&W+ I like Oz and Willow together
O&W (Don't care)
O&W- I don't think Oz & Willow belong together
O&W-- Willow (or Oz) must be with someone else!

So if you are an Oz&Willow'shipper, an Angel&Xander slasher, and don't like Buffy with Riley, your BTVS geek code would include:

O&W+ A&X+ B&R-

This extends to more than 2 initials, if that's your bag. For instance, if you live to one day see a 3-way with Oz, Willow, and Tara, it would be:


Hot topics

Xander's Lie

Code What it means
XL+++ Xander singlehandedly saved the world in Becoming 2.
XL++ Xander saved the day.
XL+ Xander was justified
XL No opinion on Xander's Lie.
XL- Xander was more wrong than rite.
XL-- Xander had no business withholding information from Buffy
XL--- Jealous Xander got Angel killed
XL---- One of these days Buffy's going to find out and I'll laff when she eviscerates him!

The Cruciamentum

Code What it means
Cru+++ I am Quentin Travers
Cru++ The COW was just testing Buffy, as well they should.
Cru+ The COW was justified, on the balance
Cru? What's the Cruciamentum?
Cru- There should have been no cruciamentum.
Cru-- The cruciamentum proves the COW is evil
Cru--- The COW tried to murder Buffy that day.
Cru---- I want to see WatcherFest '99

The Box of Gavrok

Code What it means
Gav++ Buffy had to trade the box to the mayor; there was no other choice.
Gav+ Buffy was justified in making the trade
Gav? What's the Box of Gavrok?
Gav! OK, they traded the box, but the way they made the trade was stupid.
Gav- They should have at least listened to Wesley
Gav-- They shouldn't have traded the box.
Gav--- Oz, Buffy and Xander murdered people in "Choices".

Restless, the season 4 finale dream episode

Code What it means
Res+++ Restless was the best episode ever.
Res++ Fascinating episode! Joss Whedon outdoes himself again!
Res+ Restless was interesting
Res? Restless totally confused me. Was it some sort of dream sequence?
Res- Restless was rather weak
Res-- Restless was a second-rate Twin Peaks ripoff
Res--- Worst episode ever!

Is Faith Redeemable?

The issue: Whether rogue slayer Faith is redeemable. This is not whether you like the character, but whether you think that Faith can ever be a good person.

Code What it means
FR+++ I am Angel.
FR++ Everything Faith did was just a cry for help.
FR+ Faith is guilty of crimes, but only because she cracked under the terrible burden of being a Slayer.
FR- Maybe after she serves her time in jail. Maybe not.
FR-- She should be tried and fried.
FR--- I am Buffy Summers.

Is Spike redeemable?

The issue: Whether technologically defanged vampire Spike (William The Bloody) is redeemable. This is not whether you like the character, but whether you think that Spike can ever be a good person.

Code What it means
SR+++ He's already redeemed, he just doesn't know it yet.
SR++ Chip, soul, same deal. Spike is early Angel.
SR+ Spike said he could be a good man in Crush, and I basically believe him.
SR- I don't think it's gonna happen.
SR-- Redeeming Spike would ruin too much Buffyverse mythology.
SR--- I am Lord Usher.
SR! Whether or not Spike is redeemable is irrelevant to whether Buffy and Spike should be together.

The artists

Code What it means
JW+++ Joss Whedon is god!
JW++ Joss is da bomb!
JW+ Joss is pretty good
JW? Joss who?
JW- Joss is overrated
JW-- I don't like Joss
JW--- Joss is BTVS' biggest problem
Code What it means
SMG+++ SMG is the best actress on TV today!
SMG++ SMG is great.
SMG+ She's a credit to Buffy
SMG She is a serviceable leading actress
SMG- SMG is overrated
SMG-- I can't stand her soap-opera acting.
SMG--- I am Susan Lucci

And similarly for the other players, by their initials

Code Actor Character
SMG Sarah Michelle Gellar Buffy
AH Alyson Hannigan Willow
ASH Anthony Stuart Head Giles
NB Nicholas Brendon Xander
SG Seth Green Oz
CC Charisma Carpenter Cordelia
DB David Boreanaz Angel
EC Emma Caulfield Anya
MB Mark Blucas Riley
ED Eliza Dushku Faith

And the other talent behind the scenes

Code Person Role
JW Joss Whedon Creator/writer/producer
SC Sophia Crawford Buffy's stunt double (S1 thru S4)
JP Jeff Pruitt Stunt co-ordinator (S2 thru S4)
MN Marti Noxon Writer
JE Jane Espenson Writer
DG David Greenwalt Writer
DF David Fury Writer
DP Doug Petrie Writer
RDH+DB Rob des Hotel & Dean Batali Writers
TF Tracey Forbes Writer
MK+JR Matt Kiene & Joe Reinmeyer Writers
TK Ty King Writer
DV Dan Vebber Writer
SdK Stephen DeKnight Writer