In connection with the Associates Program, you can conveniently order books from where you're sitting right now. All you need is your credit card and two minutes.
Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say : Destroying Myths, Creating Love by Warren Farrell
The Myth of Male Power by Warren Farrell. Also available as hard-cover or audio cassette
Why Men Are the Way They Are, by Warren Farrell. Also available as audio cassette
The Ten Greatest Myths About Men by Warren Farrell.
Who Stole Feminism? : How Women Have Betrayed Women by Christina Hoff Sommers. Also available as hard-cover or audiocasette
Good Will Toward Men: Women Talk Candidly about the Balance of Power Between The Sexes edited by Jack Kammer.
Other critiques of the end-products of Political Correctness that may be of interest:
The Flight from Science and Reason,
This site participates in the Associates Program
National Coalition of Free Men web page
The Men's Institute web page
Men and domestic violence index
Warren Farrell's website
Books about men's issues and further men's issues links. (Bioenergetics Press)
Men's Issues Page (David Throop)
Men's Media International (MMI)
Canadian Men's Network
Men's Issues Page (Richard Hutt)
Friends of Choice for Men
M.E.N. Magazine
Men's Rights
NY Fathers' and Men's Rights Bills Online
Listings of Men's movement Organizations
Highly recommended: Men Freeing Men, edited by Francis Baumli. To order, write, New Atlantis Press, 4 Ranch Lane, St. Louis, MO 63131. Send $16.95. Missouri residents, please add sales tax. You can also place an order through your local book store.
Men Freeing Men is a collection of articles and contains a lengthy chapter on the history of men's organizations.
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