arrangement, creature, addorsed

Argent, a chevron gules between two wingless wyverns sejant addorsed sable and a hurst of two pine trees vert, all within a bordure gules. Dirk of Frisia (6/1992 Calo)

Argent, a fess gules between two griffins segreant addorsed vert and a tower sable, a bordure gules. Eric of Kelton (12/1994 East)

Argent, a griffin gules and a domestic cat azure rampant addorsed, tails entwined, within a bordure gules. Arianna Benyt (4/1988 East)

Argent, a unicorn rampant azure and a griffin segreant to sinister gules. Szerena Fehér the Indecisive (4/1986 East)

Argent, on a pale azure between two unicorns rampant addorsed sable, three decrescents argent. Elinor de Chacenay (1/1995 Atla)

Argent, two domestic cats sejant erect addorsed purpure and a chief embattled azure. Judith le Alefondere (1/1991 East)

Argent, two panthers rampant addorsed regardant tails entwined sable incensed gules within a bordure embattled sable platy. Cerdic ó Cuileamhaim (4/1994 Midd)

Argent, two unicorns rampant addorsed reguardant, horns crossed, sable, and a Maltese cross gules. Richard de la Croix (5/1986 West)

Argent, two wingless sea-dragons erect addorsed, tails entwined, vert. Jehanne Urchurdan (8/1985 East)

Azure, an oak tree eradicated Or between in fess two gryphons passant addorsed argent. Bohemund von Greifshafen (5/1982 Aten)

Azure crusily fitchy and two barbels haurient addorsed Or. Bar, Counts of (12/1994 Laur)

Azure, in saltire two sealions rampant addorsed within a bordure engrailed Or. Aithne Lassarina Anderson of Shadowskeep (4/1987 Aten)

Azure, on a bend between two dragons segreant addorsed Or a stick shuttle azure. Laure Anne the Plaidweaver (7/1995 Anst)

Azure, on a pale argent between two hippogriffs salient addorsed Or, a pine tree eradicated vert. Filib Mac Séamuis Ó Conaill (8/1994 East)

Azure, two bears rampant addorsed within a bordure embattled argent. Fferyl ap Llywelyn (11/1992 East)

Azure, two demi-unicorns clymant, addorsed and conjoined, between three clovers one and two, all argent. Fiona O'Mull (1/1973)

Azure, two flaunches Or, overall two brown bears sejant addorsed proper. Ronald of Bywater (4/1973)

Azure, two lions rampant, addorsed and respectant, Or, on a chief erminois an increscent azure. Matthew the Taylor's Son (3/1988 Atla)

Azure, two scarpes wavy between a tyger rampant and a lion rampant to sinister, tail nowed, Or. Seamus of the Cats (7/1985 Anst)

Chevronelly argent and vert, two horses salient addorsed within a bordure sable. Tamás of Esfenn (7/1992 West)

Gules, ermined argent, a unicorn bicorporate rampant addorsed argent. Dosia of Glendalough (2/1981 Aten)

Gules, two bears rampant addorsed Or, each maintaining a scimitar argent, on a chief triangular Or, three crescents, two and one, gules. Valerian Zakharevitch Druzhinnik (4/1989 West)

Gules, two griffins segreant addorsed Or. Hugh the Undecided (1/1974)

Gules, two peacocks pavonated to base addorsed reguardant, in chief a crescent Or. Rashid ibn Hilal (11/1994 Meri)

Gyronny azure and ermine, two sea-lions erect regardant addorsed within an orle Or. Aithne Lassarina Anderson of Shadowskeep (11/1984 Aten)

Or, a dragonfly volant en arrière gules and in base two rabbits sejant erect addorsed regardant azure. Hibrida Longhair (2/1985 Midd)

Or, a drakkar and on a chief gules two lions passant addorsed, tails interlaced, Or. Dagmar Patée Patáy of Småland (6/1983 Caid)

Or, two cats sejant reguardant addorsed, the dexter azure and the sinister vert. Herrel of Smael Nest (7/1983 Caid)

Or, two hounds rampant addorsed and a chief gules. Rian Gortyroyan (6/1992 East)

Or, two levriers rampant addorsed, tails couped, sable. Mary of Tamar (1/1973)

Or, two pheasants addorsed tails crossed in saltire and on a chief vert five lozenges Or. Lydia of Sardis (11/1995 Calo)

Or, two wyverns addorsed and conjoined at the tail azure, each bearing a broken hafted battle axe sable. Eirik the Elder (1/1987 Midd)

Per bend sinister embattled pean and erminois, a winged stag rampant regardant Or and a wolf rampant to sinister guardant sable. Jarique Ravenelle of Marseilles (4/1984 Anst)

Per chevron azure and chequy argent and vert, two griffins segreant addorsed argent and a Celtic cross gules. Christopher Patrick O'Neill (8/1990 Meri)

Per chevron gules and argent, two coneys couchant addorsed and a dragon's gambe palewise erased counterchanged. Danulf Donaldson (4/1988 East)

Per chevron inverted argent and sable, a hammer and two dragons segreant addorsed breathing flames counterchanged. Steinarr Hamarr (10/1995 AnTi)

Per chevron ployé Or and sable, two griffins segreant addorsed azure and a rod of Aesculapius Or. Devin Adair Bartholomy (12/1993 East)

Per chevron ployé Or and sable, two griffins segreant addorsed gules and a harp reversed Or. Daedra McBeth a Gryphon (12/1993 East)

Per chevron sable and gules, a chevron between in chief two lions rampant addorsed and in base an eagle displayed argent. Wilhelm of Greyland (10/1980 West)

Per fess vert and fusilly vert and argent, on a fess argent three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper, and in chief two cockatrices passant addorsed, tails entwined argent. Anne Embrey (3/1984 Meri)

Per pale argent and azure, two birds addorsed counterchanged. Jörg Jorge the Short (5/1995 Drac)

Per pale argent and sable, a cat rampant azure and a natural tiger rampant to sinister argent, striped sable, and in chief a roundel counterchanged. Rígán hinn Stilligr (6/1983 Anst)

Per pale argent and sable, two dragons rising addorsed counterchanged, breathing flames and their tails grasped by, in base, a gauntlet counterchanged gules and Or. Balin the Grisley (2/1986 Caid)

Per pale azure and argent, two boars rampant addorsed counterchanged. Osgar MacAnna (12/1992 East)

Per pale azure and argent, two lions rampant addorsed within a bordure seme of lions' jambs couped at the elbow, all counterchanged. Lazar ben Yoal (1/1987 East)

Per pale embattled sable and gules, two griffins segreant addorsed within a single tressure Or. Conrad of Castleton (7/1996 Anst)

Per pale gules and argent, in pale a chevronel couped palewise and two crosses patty counterchanged, as an augmentation, on an escutcheon azure, two bears passant erect addorsed reguardant argent, each maintaining a berdiche proper, in base an annulet Or. Jan w Orzeldom (12/1993 Anst)

Per pale gules and argent, two dragons segreant addorsed counterchanged. Eirikr Drekdoelski (4/1987 West)

Per pale gules and argent, two hares rampant addorsed counterchanged. Rhonwen ferch Alun (5/1993 Midd)

Per pale gules and argent, two stags rampant addorsed counterchanged within a bordure checky vert and argent. Palymar of the Two Baronies (5/1986 Midd)

Per pale gules and Or, two lions rampant addorsed, queue forchy, within a bordure, all counterchanged. Chendra Rudd ferch Arianwen (2/1990 Calo)

Per pale Or and purpure, three chevronels flory at the points braced and in chief two wyverns passant addorsed counterchanged. Gabrielle Honorée de Saint Pierre (2/1994 Anst)

Per pale Or and sable, two hedgehogs rampant addorsed the dexter maintaining a bow and the sinister maintaining an arrow inverted all counterchanged. Willelm Bogamann (5/2002 AnTi)

Per pale potenty azure and Or, two bears rampant addorsed counterchanged. Hugh Gottfried von Regensburg (6/1992 Calo)

Per pale sable and argent, two bears rampant addorsed counterchanged. Duncan Thorfinn (5/1989 East)

Per pale sable and argent, two foxes rampant addorsed, each brandishing a battle-axe, counterchanged. Sionnaich Creag (12/1987 West)

Per pale sable and argent, two lions rampant addorsed counterchanged, and in chief a laurel wreath per pale Or and vert. Lions Gate, Barony of (3/1975 West)

Per pale sable and argent two sea lions addorsed in chief five roundels, a mount enarched indented all counterchanged. Medb Renata (6/1994 Midd)

Per pale sable and argent, two wolves salient addorsed within a bordure rayonny, all counterchanged argent and gules. Iryena Kustodieva (4/1989 East)

Per pale sable and azure, two bears statant erect addorsed argent each maintaining a spear, on a chief triangular Or an increscent azure. Glúmr Ásbjarnarson (1/1998 Calo)

Per pall inverted vert, purpure, and argent, two unicorns rampant addorsed argent and a thistle purpure. Madeline MacLachlan (11/1992 Midd)

Per pall inverted vert, sable, and Or, in chief two swords in chevron Or, in base two natural seahorses erect addorsed vert. Sebastian Eton Frobishire (8/1985 Anst)

Per saltire azure and argent, in pale two eagles displayed Or, and in fess two seahorses erect addorsed azure. Dulcinea Maria von Mühlberg y Aguilar (6/1985 Midd)

Per saltire vert and azure, in pale two owls Or and in fess two bears passant addorsed argent. Coinneach Caimbeul an Boghadair (3/1996 AnTi)

Purpure, a pallet between two lions rampant addorsed argent. Orin of the Argent Lions of Mightrinwood (6/1980 Aten)

Purpure, two cats rampant guardant addorsed, tails intertwined argent, in chief three butterflies Or. Ermosinda Istra (10/1992 Calo)

Purpure, two peacocks pavonated to base addorsed, tails crossed in saltire, on a chief urdy argent three fleurs-de-lys vert. Maeve Kelly de Navarre (8/1994 Calo)

Purpure, two stags springing addorsed reguardant argent, attired, in chief a Lacy knot Or. Berengaria Mordaunt (2/1994 Midd)

Quarterly azure and argent, two unicorns rampant addorsed counterchanged. Andrew MacEdward (5/1994 Atla)

Quarterly sable and gules, two lions rampant addorsed regardant within a bordure Or. Aleksej Voronikhin (11/1992 Midd)

Sable, on a pale engrailed between two horses rampant addorsed argent, a pallet gules. Karl von der Ostwache (11/1992 AnTi)

Sable, two lions sejant erect addorsed, tails entwined, each maintaining a scimitar inverted palewise, Or, hilted argent, in chief seven increscents Or. Wolfram Vincenzio d'Ifola (8/1988 Meri)

Sable, two sea-lions passant addorsed Or and argent, tails curved over their heads and braced. Donall Gallivin (8/1993 East)

Sable, two unicorns statant reguardant addorsed, in chief a compass star, and on a chief argent three compass stars sable. Mary of Storvik (2/1994 Atla)

Tierced per pall Or, vert, and azure, two hounds rampant addorsed argent, spotted sable, and in chief a grape cluster slipped and leaved proper. Gregory Falconheart (10/1982 West)

Vert, two bears rampant reguardant addorsed argent on a chief rayonny Or a compass star azure. Ulf Johannas Peter von Greiffenburg (6/1995 Aten)

Vert, two lions rampant addorsed and on a chief triangular Or, a harp vert. Patrick Thomas MacManus (5/1993 Atla)

Vert, two stags rampant addorsed argent and in chief a water bouget, on a chief Or a bar embattled to base sable. Nicolette d'Avignon (5/1992 Aten)