arrangement, head, respectant

Argent, a sheaf of arrows inverted sable within a laurel wreath vert and on a chief azure two boar's heads couped respectant Or. Vest Yorvik, Canton of (10/1983 Midd)

Argent, a sword bendwise inverted sable, its blade entwined with a heather vine proper, between a raven's head erased close and another reversed, both sable, beaked gules. Corwin Breemore (12/1982 West)

Argent, in chief two eagles' heads erased respectant azure, beaked Or, and in base a tankard gules garnished Or and issuant from flames proper. Dimitri Yaroslavich Aryelov (9/1973)

Azure, a chevron Or between two doves volant palewise argent and two ram's heads erased combattant Or. Quentin Wrenguard ap Rhys (7/1983 Atla)

Azure, two ram's heads erased combattant Or. Quentin Wrenguard ap Rhys (8/1986 Trim)

Erminois, two horses' heads erased respectant sable and a pair of wings conjoined gules. Sioned Esyllt Gwalhafed (4/1993 Aten)

Gules, a unicorn's horn throughout between two dolphins urinant respectant Or. Rhiannon de Carreg Cennen (10/1992 East)

Gules, two hawk's heads erased respectant argent. Alexandria Sylverhawke (6/1987 West)

Or, a double-bitted poleaxe sable between two boars' heads couped respectant gules all within a laurel wreath vert. Axed Root, Canton of (9/1985 Calo)

Or, a pale sable between in bend two dragons' heads couped respectant gules. William Thomas of Locksbury (1/1973)

Or, a pall wavy azure between a laurel wreath and two dragon's heads couped respectant vert. Drachentor, Shire of (2/1994 Atla)

Or, a saltire purpure between in pale two garden rosebuds gules, slipped and leaved vert, and in fess two wolf's heads erased respectant sable. Adria of the Crosswinds (3/1994 Outl)

Or, chaussé azure, a dragon segreant azure between in fess two dragons' heads couped respectant Or. Svea Wartooth (7/1985 Midd)

Per chevron argent and vert, two cats' heads erased respectant sable and a flame argent. Aislynn of Jarrow (5/1992 Atla)

Per chevron azure and gules, two unicorn's heads couped respectant and a sword argent. Airyk Eriksson the Sinister (4/1993 West)

Per chevron engrailed azure and Or, two falcon's heads erased respectant argent, armed and orbed Or, and in base three Catherine wheels sable, two and one. Caterina Maddalena Damiani da Ferrara (1/1987 Anst)

Per chevron gules and purpure, a chevron ermine between two eagle's heads respectant argent, armed Or and a plant of three lilies, slipped and leaved, argent. Ysabeau Marie Juliet de Chartres (8/1991 Aten)

Per chevron inverted sable and vert, in chief a compass star gules, fimbriated, and in base two heron's heads, couped at the shoulders, respectant argent, beaked and crested Or. Aeruin ni hEarain o Chonnemara (6/1984 Anst)

Per chevron sable and argent, two elk's heads, erased and respectant, argent and a laurel wreath vert. Elkshire (6/1989 Calo)

Per chevron sable and gules, a chevron between two ram's heads erased respectant and a ram's head cabossed argent. Ram the Reticent (8/1979)

Per fess engrailed azure and argent, a sword counterchanged, hilted sable, between two dragon's heads respectant issuant from the line of division Or. Stephen de Huyn (4/1984 Caid)

Per pale argent and purpure, in fess two unicorn's heads couped respectant and in pale a heather blossom and a heather blossom inverted all counterchanged. Giorsal of Heatherskeep (3/1986 AnTi)

Per pale argent and vert, two unicorn's heads conjoined at the necks respectant, horns crossed, counterchanged. Arianna Windhaven (6/1985 Aten)

Per pale azure and vert, two hawk's heads erased respectant Or. Richard Fairbourne (9/1992 Anst)

Per pale gules and sable, two ram's heads couped respectant and a bordure Or. Marina Zanne (7/1992 Caid)

Per pale gules and sable, two wolves' heads erased respectant argent, on a chief embattled Or a paw print sable. Tjorvi Lodinsson (5/1993 Trim)

Per pale Or and gules, a chevron between two wolf's heads erased respectant and a pine tree, all counterchanged. Wolf Dietrich von Hohenwald (8/1986 Caid)

Per pale purpure and Or, a palm tree eradicated between two wolves' heads erased respectant counterchanged. Gunnarr Brunwulf (7/1985 AnTi)

Per pale sable and Or, a double-bitted axe inverted between two badger's heads banded and couped at the shoulder respectant within a bordure counterchanged. Gunter von Wissenberg (7/1984 Anst)

Per pale vert and azure, two unicorn's heads couped respectant, horns crossed argent. Kerkira Anastasia Tamarina (6/1994 Midd)

Per saltire erminois and sable, in fess two dragon's heads couped and respectant Or. Adrian Conquest (5/1991 Calo)

Sable, a millrind between four wolves' heads, two and two, couped respectant argent. Griss Flettir (8/1994 East)

Vairy Or and azure, two talbots' heads erased respectant argent, orbed and langued gules. Elsa die Jungfrau (1/1973)

Vert, two moose's heads, eradicated and respectant, horns locked, Or. Forgal Kerstetter (5/1989 Atla)

Vert, two unicorn's heads couped respectant, horns crossed in saltire, in base a crescent, a chief argent. Gwenddydd Rhosyn o Gymru Newydd (10/1984 West)